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Everything posted by mattm

  1. Ottawa is fucked. You want to save money, oh Ottawa tax payer, then insist that the City check out the wages and benefits that employees make/have and compare them to what regular folks get. Example: City of Ottawa web designer. Job: Modify Microsoft Word documents and add to content manager. Maybe a tiny bit of updating text inside html tags. Mostly just Word document modification for a couple hours then chatting with co-workers for the rest of the time. Qualifications needed? Well, having done the job, I can say that anyone who's taken a highschool course on web design and played with Word for a few hours could do the job with no problems at all. Pay: $27 to start!!! That's ridiculous. There are software engineers with university degrees that earn less or the same. That's $56160 or so per year to do a job that most highschool students could easily do. I'd be willing to bet that there are many other examples like that as well but instead of looking at things like that, they just cut services and jobs. Personally I think it's sick.
  2. You know, this actually makes no sense to me. Who gives a shit if gay folks want to get married? I can see an issue with gay folks adopting children being fought in the courts and such but man, seriously, who cares if they get married? What in the hell does it have to do with anyone else if two guys or two gals want to get married, just don't associate with them and if you're religious, just assume they're going to hell but man, they aren't hurting anyone by getting married nor does their marriage affect anything for anyone else (at least I don't think so unless there are tax breaks). To me it's just full out discrimination. The problem I see is that the people that are protesting this must be lacking in something in their lives like a hobby or whatnot. I can understand if gay folks getting married killed other people or hurt other people but it just doesn't. Websters: Main Entry: mar·riage Listen to the pronunciation of marriage Pronunciation: \ˈmer-ij, ˈma-rij\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English mariage, from Anglo-French, from marier to marry Date: 14th century 1 a (1): the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2): the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage b: the mutual relation of married persons : wedlock c: the institution whereby individuals are joined in a marriage 2: an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected ; especially : the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities 3: an intimate or close union
  3. Or they just grew up in a different time, without WW2 or Nam and with a much higher concern for the environment and overall welfare of the world and perhaps want some change from the way things worked in their parents time. They might also have grown up in a time in which information is more readily available and in which government propaganda can actually be researched so that one can form one's own opinions instead of blind belief. Perhaps also they came of age in a time where energy is a concern as well and reliance on old dirty energy just isn't as accepted and is known to be on a timer and will run out. Etc, etc, I think times are just changing and I think the old republican way of doing things just isn't as acceptable as it used to be. This isn't to say that the democrats will keep winning but I think it's time for the republicans to rethink some things before the next election if they want to win again (that is providing obama does a good job, if he does a bad job then the repubs will most likely win regardless).
  4. hahaha, lol, I like that. Listening to her talk just gets on my nerves. Could be due to her inexperience and lack of knowledge or it might just be because I have bias towards her (or her family's "odd" ways). oh, cute dog though. Maybe he/she should have run for VP since he/she doesn't have the baggage that palin does (then again, the dog is probably even less experienced than her)
  5. I love that movie, I hope the sequel is as good as the first one. Being an extra is also fun but can be boring and time consuming, too when they repeat shots over and over or ask you to be there early in the morning and only get to your shot later in the afternoon... The good thing is that in being a crowd extra you don't really have to perform so you can be as stoned as you want thus lessening the boredom... The other good thing is that there's a chance to have a chat with some of the movie people. One time I was an extra I accidentally walked into the crew/actors trailer area looking for the washrooms and ended up having a pee beside the director Charles Dutton(and having a little chat with him and a little laugh that I was in the wrong place but too late to move now...). That particular one was a crowd shot for Against the Ropes and though Meg didn't stick around, the other actors did so I got to talk to Omar Epps and a couple other guys.
  6. I think he's cute too. Doesn't look like he has much planned for his political career but hey, palin almost became VP just for being cute
  7. You shouldn't have to. If you are running out of virtual memory it means that all your actual memory is filled and also the portion of hard drive that windows alots to "virtual memory". Solution: More RAM, the single best thing to speed up your computer and get rid of the stupid low on virtual memory errors. It's not very expensive, either.
  8. Actually, according to my buddy (who plays the game hitman), the little trigger handle at the bottom is an upgrade to the gun above it. The top one just looks like the middle one with a scope and little legs to make damn sure that when you try to kill your neighbor, you do it. I hate guns and I wish to god the states would stop being so stuck on death (look at movies, how often do movies depicting sex get banned, like shortbus, to have a movie about a guy that kills people in the most gruesome ways become a hit). Unless the americans get off the gun train, it won't happen here either. Granted, we're much better than they are, much, much, but people can still buy handguns here and there's absolutely no excuse anyone can give to have a handgun other than that they think they have the need to hurt or kill another human being. Some people say target practice but you know, life would go on without target practice and since I've read lots of stories of kids with guns that came from thefts of the target practice dudes, well, who knows but I'll stop now. Damn americans and their death and pain and suffering fetish.
  9. WTF Ok, I get the gist of this statement and though I disagree, I know others also think this (pessimists). Other than that the whole post made no sense at all. Comparing obama to the sun god from thousands of years ago? I notice that although the first line mentioned bush, the rest just talks about Osiris and the pharaohs. Good little laugh at reading it, though. Sucks that there's pessimists like this though.
  10. I say: ::puke:: ::puke:: but not to the story or the dude that wrote it, to those of you that came on here and immediately said puke. It was a fun cute little story and man, the first black president and he let his kid vote for him, that'll be pretty cool later on when the kid's a little older and the only one his age to participate in something this big.
  11. mattm

    what channel

    should I watch tonight?
  12. I've seen this many times. Myth busters did a test to see which was more dangerous, driving drunk and driving while talking on a cell phone. Good episode... The results were that driving while talking on the phone was more dangerous than driving drunk (though just below the legal 0.08 limit, still quite tipsy and they hadn't eaten). On the other hand, as pointed out at the end, you can just drop a cell phone if you need to but you can't get undrunk. Ultimately, driving drunk is more dangerous but the test subjects did a better job driving drunk than driving while talking on a cell phone.
  13. phuc yu real name, former algonquin student, Vietnamese dude
  14. bloc 1 97% (29 / 30) bloc 2 83% (20 / 24) bloc 3 88% (21 / 24) total 90% (70 / 78) Not too bad. There were a few in bloc3 that I said had bad notes but actually didn't (my gut said no but my brain was convinced it was a trick).
  15. How big are the original videos and do you have access to put them on the internet somehow? If so, then do it and tell me where they are and I'll convert them for you to whatever you want but I'd need access to re-upload them. I used to have space but lost it and that leaves only snail mail which takes way too long... PS: if you're game and also need the videos edited you'll have to tell me the times you want (as in you want 1:32 - 2:45 of video 1, etc, etc)...
  16. So if you were a student that lived off campus but still had the permanent residence on your license and other ID (like me all through school, permanent being my parents because I moved so much it would have been a pain to keep changing it), you couldn't vote? I know in a lot of student houses the bills are in one or two out of 4 or 5 persons names so there's a chance you don't even have a bill with your name on it. Hell, what if you live here (here being anywhere other than there ), have ID but don't have any bills with your address on it (as in the scenario where one person has all the bills in their name)? Steph didn't get an election card but luckily there's a couple bills in her name but if there hadn't been, would she have been refused? Because that's BS...
  17. Well, here's something fun for election day, check out: http://www.nodice.ca/elections/canada/polls.php It's the polls page for nodice.ca. Here's the top label row for the table of parties: DATE ↓ BQ ↓ CON ↓ GRN ↓ LIB ↓ NDP ↓ MOE ↓ FIRM ↓ I say vote moe!
  18. mattm

    Fall Election

    for some reason I find that funny
  19. mattm

    Fall Election

    I wonder what will be in the platform. I think it's creepy of them not releasing one and sleezy as well. Then again, I think that of all the bickering that's in the tv commercials and whatnot (i.e. building your campaign on putting the other guys down, it's called bullying and I don't like it, they should have to focus on things like their platforms and that should be law if you ask me). Harper's government has been secret the whole way through so I'm not surprised that they never released a platform. In my eyes it makes them look scared (or cocky which is bad in another way, who likes that really cocky dude at work?). If their platform is so bad that they can't release it then they probably shouldn't be voted for. It also, to me, shows just how low the intelligence (or lack of caring) of the nation is in that they would vote for a party without even knowing what said party wants to do, just because said party painted the other parties as being inadequate.
  20. Good job Olbermann, bad job anyone that even for a second thought that she'd make a good vice president. The republicans would do well to kick her out and find someone else, might increase their chances (what were they thinking?)
  21. I agree with you there and I also think that what they're going to do with the carbon tax is wrong. I say help the industries (and yeah, I'll give up some of my hard earned money for that if I have to) get clean and if they choose not to then punish them or smile and nod when they leave the country. Here's my ideal but wouldn't work because we're way too greedy solution: G8 gets together and sets a date where they are green. Green meaning that any business in the G8 countries that pollutes heavily or deals with a country that pollutes heavily looses their ability to do business in any G8 country. So, you have businesses here that pollute and if you tax them they move to china but if all the big buyers get together and say we won't allow things from china if they aren't clean then there's no reason to move industry to china because although they might lose revenue here due to tax, moving will cost them every cent. On top of this, if this type of policy were put into place, the amount of research done on clean energy would skyrocket and making the changes would become easier and easier as well as cheaper and cheaper. hahahahaha, like something like that could happen. For one, the countries would never agree because money is way too important and the big picture is actually pretty damn small (couple years, that's all). For another everyone would complain that it's too hard and that it's too expensive and so what if our kids all drop dead at 50 because of bad air or can never go outside, besides, that won't happen... (though it actually is happening and there are numbers to prove it although 50 is young at the moment who knows what the future will bring if we don't stop fucking around). Just a note, don't bother going over all the reasons something like that won't work, I already know there will be a thousand excuses of why it can't work. This is just my little dream of everyone working together to make a better world but, and though it might be too late, I think we're still too primitive for something like that, the idea that we don't always have to be in competition and can work together... slightly off topic this thread has become.
  22. Those numbers might be kind of deceiving. There's no way in hell that over the next 4 years they only spend 6.5 billion, not gonna happen. Man, that's only 1.625 billion a year which doesn't seem like much to me. Unless all the things they've already committed to aren't being included there to make the numbers nice like: $490 billion over 20 years for military -> 490 / 20 = 24.5 * 17 [yeas left] = $416 billion $2 billion over seven years for the production of renewable fuels -> 2 / 7 * 4 [years left] = $1.14 10-Year $41.3 billion Federal/Provincial Plan to Strengthen Health Care -> 41.3 / 10 = 4.13 * 7 [years left] = $28.1 billion I bet my math is off but there and I just found out about the $490 billion from http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2008/06/20/military-plan.html which, for all I know, might not even be true. My point is that the page gives an unfair advantage to the cons by not mentioning the things they already plan to spend money on... Please correct me if I'm wrong here
  23. In my defense, I've only lived in ottawa center for a little bit now and the only election I've been through was provincial in which liberal signs were plastered all over the place here (and liberals won for that matter). The last federal election I was in I lived in the Ottawa -- Vanier riding which is liberal and also what I voted for at the time for the purpose of not having the PC's win (which they did anyway the bastards). Prior to that I didn't even live in ottawa so I'm still new to this place. Where I grew up it's a PC/LIB race and for the record: Had the people that voted NDP (~8000/~60000) voted liberal, even just 1200 of them, libs would have won. So count simcoe north as one of those ridings in the contest above.
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