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afro poppa

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Everything posted by afro poppa

  1. I think Coleman was hard to listen to because he was so different when he came out. So for regular jazz listeners who were used to Miles' cool and modal jazz of the late 40's and 50's, they didn't really give the music much of a chance. But I think as fans of "jam" music or "experimental" whatever, Ornette Coleman is a must see/listen to. I am dissapointed that I missed him when he was in TO and I am dissapointed I will miss him at Roo.
  2. Excellent news that he can still play, the guy was huge in the advancement of the avante-garde jazz scene in the sixties. Roo has always been good at getting the big guns to represent various forms of music whether it be bluegrass, blues or hip hop or whatever. Roo is a music fan's heaven.
  3. I too think it will be Towers. It's not out of the realm of possibilty to see Zambrano make it either, but I think the critics are right when they say he should stay in the minors and rehabilitate the full amount of time needed after Tommy John (generally considered to be a year, he's got about two months left) so he doesn't injure himself again. Look for Casey Janssen to become the new set-up man, btw. As for Towers, I think he will be the fifth starter and hopefully he can carry his Spring Training success over into the regular season, although I am not so sure. One guy who I absolutely do not have any faith in is Chacin. I just don't think the guy is any good, quite frankly. He flukely won double digit games last year and this year I think he will be exposed even more. And another thing, Royce Clayton? Bleh. We need another shortstop...again.
  4. what no one cares about baseball?? come on ppl only a few more days till halladay takes on the tiggggers
  5. wow thats really cool! great job by superfly...Ornette Coleman...wow i wonder if the guy can still play? but this would be a kick ass show...dang anyone see him when he came to toronto recently? (i think last year?)
  6. great review guys, wish i could've been there with ya oh and will, man do i miss you...lookin forward to seein ya at the next chameleon project show
  7. i like facebook, it allows me to get in touch with old friends, keep in touch with new ones and share pictures with the world it can get creepy yea, some people can stalk you a lot but whatever...
  8. cool dude, well written id love to read the "unedited" version
  9. happyt birthday brotherman, lookin forward to seeing you soon
  10. excellent...looks like im gonna head to this festy straight from my travels in southeast asia anyone wanna pick me up from the airport?
  11. happy birthday deb!! lotsa love to you and ure family!! keep on shinin!
  12. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA and people thought that the Jays had rotation troubles...jees
  13. bosh will be ok reggie evans is a punk
  14. afro poppa

    I'm Sorry

    im sorry i didnt post this before yats
  15. holy jeebus that was a good show...when i get a chance ill post some of the pics
  16. umm no there definately are...i think we just bought em at the gate because we werent sure if we would get across the border...correct me if im wrong baj??
  17. I think last year tickets were like 145 or something, and you just pay at the gate. It seems expensive but remember its 5 days and 4 nights, which is more than most festivals. There were people coming in all weekend, even up to the last day...although who would want to miss any second of this????
  18. My favourite part of the article is "Any parent that finds their children in possession of these, it's not candy," I don't know why I find that funny...
  19. I would go see Wassabi, personally. Nothing against Jackfruit but I saw em in Guelph and it wasnt my thing...it might've been an off night though I dont know.
  20. haha i agree luke bring your uncircumsised-ness over to the dam
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