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afro poppa

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Everything posted by afro poppa

  1. I leave next Tuesday for Amsterdam via London and Germany...any other fine folks going to this festival???
  2. yea they finally won another one...not such a great march, hopefully they can tread water until the playoffs though to be honest, i dont see them getting out of the first round...i dont think they can beat washington, chicago, detroit, cleveland, or even indiana in a series
  3. yeaaa meg good call with goin to grateful fest, definately right up your alley!!
  4. holy crap this is gonna be the best festy of the summmmerr someone help out misterh
  5. im digging all the love for this festy!!! too bad i wont be there tho
  6. sam mitchell for coach of the year!
  7. haha yea yats ure right edited accordingly
  8. yea its about a 4 or 5 hour drive
  9. Yep so today I booked all my tickets and all that to do the jitd and the germany shows my sked will be hectic but it will be all worth it by the way, i bought a ticket to the hamburg dso show online but im not sure how im supposed to pick it up or anything...anyone know?
  10. tara tell him im sending him some hair in the mail
  11. unfortunatly i wont be goopin over to this bad boy but after the announcement of this i did book all my tickets and stuff to do the DSO tour in europe in two weeks!!
  12. http://www.nlqp.com/ click on events and then scroll down to Grateful Fest...the website looks shady but I can garantee you this is the best festy around (just ask tigger, baj, hippyrastachild, or captainsunshine) Seals and JGB, Donna, Zero, Keller, Greyboy All Stars, DSO, Pnuma Trio, even the last Phix show...and thats just the beginning... GO TO THIS FESTIVAL!!
  13. from www.mule.net this should be amazing (at least for me, I am a huge mule fan) i am sorry im gonna miss it, id make the trip all the way just to see this
  14. Not sure if this has been posted yet but I saw it on www.jambase.com I wonder what this means for Bonnaroo???
  15. hey jared, dont think ill be out to mongolia, at least not until august or something like that...i was planning on taking the trans-siberian railway but i may take the trans siberian instead (which runs through mongolia)
  16. So its funny how you guys mentioned Ko Tao! My friends and I just got back from spending a few nights in a bungalow sleeping 4 to a bed for 300 baht (like 10 CDN) a night. The place is amazing! I am going back after classes end in May and spending like a month there...I cant wait!! As far as the full moon parties go, there is on the 4th, but we head out Wednesday...right now I am in Phuket and then I go to Kuala Lumpur for a night and then back home to Hong Kong! I got some awsome pics and I'll get em up as soon as I am back to civilaztion. On a side note, we didnt end up staying at Raylay because it was way too touristy and expensive...we took an hour and a half long boat ride from raylay to Phi Phi (where we stayed at Ko Tao)
  17. ahhh just woke up in a glorius day in thailand! the weather is awsome and the sights are fantastic, about to head to Railay beach!! Wooooo!!!!!!
  18. wow Bouche thats wild...that cant be good though for us suscribers, whats from keeping them from raising the prices? (i guess maybe besides dettering people from buying the product)
  19. happy birthday margaret!! get extra dancy for me at all the festys this summer!! peace and love
  20. go see this show!! she has a gorgeous voice!
  21. I absolutely love Sirius Satellite radio! The jam-on station is repetitive yes, but there are always awsome special guest DJs (Trey, Warren, Dave Schools) and even some live-to-air concerts!! There are also other awsome channels, for instance, on my way back from Bonnaroo last year my friend and I listened to game 7 of the Stanley Cup! Thats freakin cool if you ask me! The other music channels are great, there are a couple classic rock channels that are definately way way less repetitive than Q107 and play songs you would never think of, also a bunch of great jazz stations, some reggae, blues, bluegrass, and even an "easy-listening" coffee house station that kicks butt! I recommend Sirius to everyone!
  22. hey brother i was having one of those days as well "when your walking through hell, keep walking" - wc be well
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