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afro poppa

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Everything posted by afro poppa

  1. these guys are cool, saw em at bonnaroo a couple years back definately go to this show, especially at the town ballroom, without a doubt one of my favourite venues
  2. great news for raps fans...another step towards respectability, if we arent there already ...although thats what everyone was saying a little while back when we got wilkens as our coach and vince was on the cusp of leading the all star voting for several years in a row...
  3. http://www.globesports.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20070517.wsptmitchell17/GSStory/GlobeSportsBasketball/home
  4. didnt ducey once hit an inside the park grand slam? or did i just imagine that...
  5. [color:purple]i might catch christina aguilera in tokyo when im there...tickets are only 200 cdn
  6. two monster games in a row from AJ, the Jays are slowly working there way back to respectability... Johnson and Zaun get back soon as well I think
  7. making wine is great...in guelph there are a couple places that you can do it...the best one i think is right across the street from stone road mall, 90 bucks gets u 30 bottles, plus 1 dollar each for the bottle (if you dont have em)...takes about a month to make it but once you have it, its pure gold...or at least some really cheap form of imitation gold
  8. wow serious...man im missing soo many good shows
  9. Yea well he's obviously going to have his ups and downs (remember Halladay before he won the CY???) but the way the Jays have been playin this year anything positive is like a godsend... If Marcum can pitch half as good as he pitched in his start he's gonna be solid, ditto Litsch
  10. man that 10k show is gonna kick ass!! moses mayes got a great time slot, closing out one of the nights in the saloon (no, not THAT saloon)...those 130 am shows were always awsome!!!
  11. Amare and Diaw out for Game 5...not lookin good for the Suns... GO SUNS!!!
  12. I didnt watch the game but it looks like he did well. What kind of pitcher is this kid? Does it look like he got lucky with a cold team or he is legit? On another note, Jays have won 4 of 5.
  13. nah I think there's no contest between Borders and Whitt...remember that 92 series? Borders was DYANAMITE
  14. anyone know anything about this Jesse Litsch guy that they called up from AA? Apparently he had a sub 2 era and was 5-1 in the minors...
  15. Olerud won two WS and a batting title (as well as leading the league in a couple other categories...in 93) with the Jays. Don't get me wrong, Delgado is one of my favourite players ever, but the guy never saw the playoffs in a Jays uniform...those two rings are bigger than any personal accomplishments Delgado could achieve. As far as Griffin, I think that's just a judgement call...but after going to look at his stats I am going to change it back to Fernandez.
  16. ooh that might've been slightly inappropriate I do kinda agree with Dima that Panic might not be the greatest band to headline the last night, but they aren't a bad choice. As much as Roo has outgrown that "jam festy" label, they always seem to stick to their roots. I know that most people who have been at many of Roos appreciate the shout out. The only thing that pisses me off about Roo is the friggen sponsors they got...jees Garnier Fructis showers? Give me a freakin break...
  17. I would put John Olerud over Delgado...and Instead of Shawn Green put Jesse Barfield. Also, Alfredo Griffin over Tony Fernandez...i think. And I agree with POG, Henke as the closer with Ward as my setup guy...
  18. i absolutely LOVE this band I wish I could see them rip it up here and also at 10klf where they go on the small saloon stage at 130 am and play all night long...great time slot for those guys
  19. Frasor gave up a damn home run I understand why Gibbons took him out (Marcum's first start, wanted to keep his pitch count down, gave up two walks previously) but when the guy is throwing a fucking no hitter you keep in the damn ball game until he gives up a hit...espcially with our terrible bullpen...and of all people he brings in Frasor who is the last person you want out there in a tight ball game...
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