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afro poppa

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Everything posted by afro poppa

  1. great game today, i managed to watch it the offense looked humming and we took advantage of a terrible mccarthy...ohka pitched strong still not liking our bullpen tho, we need some help
  2. unfortunately thought, without BJ ryan the jays up shits creek without a paddle jason frasor won't get us into the playoffs
  3. i bought phillips ear phones out in HK for about 10 bucks canadian...they have amazing sound and the best part about em is they have a little hook on em so they'll stay in ure ear when walking around etc (my biggest problem with buds is that they fall out of my ear really easily, the hook keeps em on) not sure the model tho, they are white...haha if that helps
  4. i wish i could be there for this...fortunately ill see em at moedown
  5. i just couldn't seem to log in to sopcast from where i am...no matter i watched the pbp (game channel thing....its quite nerve wrecking actually) and just watch the highllights serves me right for travelling the year the raps are really really good
  6. im glad someone likes my shallow dives on the plus side i got to ride in the golf cart with the extremely sexy life guard girl...on the minus side though she just spent the entire ride laughing at me...
  7. so i got this sopcast stuff...anyone know how to use it?
  8. i cant believe i even bothered to try and respond im gonna keep my mouth shut from now on...
  9. ollie your point is very valid and to be honest i never really thought about the enviromental ramifications of glowsticks before...but i think the enviroment has got more to worry about then a few thousand people playing with glowsticks ...sorry mother earth......
  10. hey everyone, way to turn a happy thread about a great festival into something really negative... ...[color:purple]or was that too hippie...
  11. wow nice one tara!!! that would be some sort of heaven for me...woowww
  12. its confirmed, according to realgm.com and nationalpost.com great news he deserves it, hopefully we get the win tonight against NJ! go raps!
  13. argghhh to be honest i dont mind gibbons and really how can he be blamed when his top 5 closer goes on the shelf...but god damn we should be winning by enough runs that the friggen closer shouldn't need to be worried about and we definately should not get swept by baltimore...i feel like we'll step it up a notch for boston tho, we always do
  14. hey baj i dont think i tell you how often i am grateful to have been a part of grateful fest last year with everyone...some of the best memories i will ever have in my entire life im very sad that i will not be there this year, but unfortunately (or more like fortunately) i have different paths to take this summer...i look forward to grateful fest 9 already
  15. good lineup so far, i think ani will be a good fit for a festival like hillside imho
  16. this is getting out of hand...quick
  17. I agree the music will be different with Warren's playing but thats the thing about Phil and Friends, it always sounds different...isn't that a good thing?
  18. holy shit warren with phil? i think yes
  19. It's gonna be an entertaining series. I am praying to the basketball gods that we kick the shit out of the Nets and leave them reeling...but who knows what will happen. The playoffs are a different beast and the Raps haven't seen tried to tame it yet. Who knows... and basher, I couldn't find these stream links you were talking about?
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