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afro poppa

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Everything posted by afro poppa

  1. I am not gonna say too much on this one...except for this, Harper should definately shut his mouth when it comes to the Liberal Leadership race. It almost shows a sign of fear that he even needs to bother. I also really hope that Ignatieff and other Liberals aren't actually focusing some of their campaign on being "anti-Israel" because quite frankly thats just fucking scary. I should probably start following this a little closer.
  2. brutal...just made it back to guelph
  3. sitting in the hotel lobby on the internet the word going around is that the show is in fact cancelled...unfortunately
  4. Currently I am staring at Al Schnier checking out of the hotel so take that for what its worth...he doesn't look happy. The show may be cancelled, stay tuned for updates.....
  5. Hmm, so it looks like I am staying in Buffalo today because of that huge storm...luckily for me I have tickets to the moe. show tonight.....wow there is sooooo much snow!! anyone watching the news??
  6. no wonder Mule played the Shape I'm In recently at some shows...
  7. man....i leave in a few hours!! weeee
  8. What a show...wow I can't wait for tonight!!!
  9. I don't think there is anything in particular about music that I look for...it's more that when I am listening to it, or seeing it, I just get this feeling that I can't really describe. Almost like "love"...I dunno, hard to explain.
  10. Hey, I am heading down to Toronto tomorrow to pick up my parent's car and then heading off to Buffalo...if you wanna give em to me then that's cool. No I didn't find my Ratdog tickets yet but I plan on just going and hoping for the best.
  11. holy shit! I wish I was at that show...freakin Deal!!! I can't wait to see em tomorrow/friday
  12. this is great! although it is quite expensive
  13. If you want, I can sell the tickets for you at the show and give you the money at a later date...let me know
  14. haha StoneMtn, ya that would probably be me...youd be surprised how many people I get coming up to me saying "Afro Poppa?" its cool I dont mind at all! and Willy, I dont have a setlist because I left early but The first few songs were: Eyes, Tennessee Jed, Big Boss Man, Feel Like a Stranger, Scarlet > Fire, Wave that Flag...almost certainly in that order. The highlight for me was definately the Scarlet Fire...good jammmms
  15. There is no way that the Jays trade Wells for Arod. The only way this even begins to be thought of happening is if Wells says that he won't come back to the Jays. Besides, the Yankees already have a CF, his name is Johnny Damon.
  16. I thought for a second Derek Trucks Band was playing (DTB)
  17. wow whats that a commericial for?
  18. so tonight in Burlington Gordon Stone and Adam Terrell played a bunch of tunes with moe.
  19. any chance that they would just go with one guitar? or is that not possible?
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