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afro poppa

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Everything posted by afro poppa

  1. wow really cool! what a show in Guelph on Thursday, I can only imagine how good the other shows were!!
  2. yea it was great meeting you as well my friend, sorry I had to bail so quickly on our conversation. Hopefully we will party soon enough.
  3. Great high energy show. There were a few stupid people in the crowd actually trying to mosh which was annoying. All in all a great show and worth the 40 bones.
  4. I am not so into Green but Delgado is definately one of my favourite players.
  5. It was definately a great show Deeps, nothing but positive reviews coming from people that were there...wicked energy coming from you guys and from the crowd, everyone was really into it. Burrows were awsome (looking forward to seeing them again) and Vaderpark definately shined. Great show all in all!
  6. I know it's expensive but Matisyahu puts on a wicked show. His shows generally have this really spiritual affect on me because of his lyrics and the way he gets his message across. Anyone else down?
  7. indeed it is, I am at big railroad blues at the moment... the weather report suite was killer as well
  8. what that sounds wicked, wish I could go see those shows!
  9. drinkin some wine listening to dicks picks 1 and gettin ready for some what the thunder said tonight
  10. I concur...oh and luke, I want my finger light back!!
  11. yea hes missed a couple pre season games...im hoping hes back for the regular season cause if not we're FUCKED
  12. schwa come on down for some flashing light style debauchery
  13. Yea me as well. Deeps, I'll be bringin some of ure handbills to pass around to some dancy people
  14. hey jay, any word on what time jsb starts roughly? I read somewhere dave at 930, so does that mean jsb at 11?
  15. Who is hittin up the show? I got my finger lights and flashing colourful things all lined up! What times are the sets?? Anybody?
  16. I may have an extra for the saturday show
  17. GO SEE HIM! I'll be at the Toronto show.
  18. jack straw from wichita cut his buddy down...
  19. wow c-towns thats sweet!! have a blast!
  20. booo to the Tigers. Go METS/CARDS
  21. November 15 - 3rd Floor Van Gogh's Ear - Guelph' date=' Ontario w/ Duran Duran Duran[/b'] Nice...A wednesday eh? sweet
  22. wooo **fingers crossed** thanks greg
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