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Everything posted by boiler

  1. sorry, but you have to be some kind of a freak to be able to add songs in this theme :confused:
  2. I still see quite a bit of travelling folks going to different cities to see shows. Maybe not the in the numbers that it used to be, but it's still happening. Not really many of those old bands have disbanded either. BnB still kicking, JSB, Fatties etc. Hell, even nero are playing a few dates. Sure there may be some changes of direction taking place, but that is necissary otherwise the music and the "community" will grow stagnant. That being said, I don't even see a whole lot of direction change either. Maybe GTB has gone a bit more "indie" but let's face it, GTB never really fit comfortably into the "jamband" category.JSB has evolved into an electronic/rocker/jam tour de force. Wassabi, still keeping it going with the Island/electronic flavour etc. Anyway, when I go out to a show, it's always filled with lots of hugs and meeting up with people I call friends.
  3. That thing is really cool. Link Have you ever used it for field recording or just in home use?
  4. Respect is over rated. It's better to just rock.
  5. from "You Can't Change Me" by Slowcoaster from the same song, not just the chorus being repeated at the end: seems alright to me. While I agree with Booche, it's not right just to say a band is good just because they happen to be playing in your hometown and you like to party. However if you're going to be a fan of music and like to move around to the sounds, it doesn't have to be music derived from John Coltrane. Fuck I would go see AC-DC before Trey any day. I think we can all agree having a band like slowcoaster in Canada is a good thing and it would be good to see them keep it going. It's a hard thing to do in this country. I think it's good to show a little support and enthusiasm for them.
  6. I try but everybody keeps telling me to put my shoes back on.
  7. boiler


    I like to dance, listen to good music and hang out with my friends. It seems the hard core party days are curtailing but my love of music has not. We'll see what happens after September though. I may end up being an almost exclusive downloader. Scary
  8. It's friggin Rock Music. That's it, that's all. Nobody's running around saying they're the Slip or anything. They're a good party band in a bar. Good lyrics,pretty good musicianship and lots of good time energy. Why does everybody have to analyze so damn much? Leave the analysis to Luke, everybody else, dance.
  9. Not bad, but it still doesn't say anything about them being able to drink beer. So I'm still favoring sasquatches. However it has also recently been discovered that dolphins have taught cows how to swim:
  10. especially if we could all afford to go to the Canyon Ranch for four months.
  11. I happen to know for a fact it's Sasquatches. Proof of this is shown in Kokanee beer commercials where the wiley sasquatch always outsmarts the Park Ranger to get away with the case of beer. Now, we all know beer commercials don't lie. Also, have you ever seen a dolphin drink beer?......times up, NO. So I think this clearly proves it.
  12. Slowcoaster has some of the most interesting lyrics right now in all of this thing we call rock and roll; besides, isn't rock only supposed to have two or three chords? The Grateful Dead themselves didn't fuck around much beyond that.
  13. I'm going to Thorogood on The 7th, hopefully make it to Marsalis on 6th.
  14. Songs about Farmers and Farming, or Farm related Social Activities 1. Neil Young - Farmer John 2. Spinal Tap - Sex Farm Woman 3. The Doors - Down on the Farm (post-morrison hillarity) 4. The Housemartins - Me and the Farmer 5. Frank Zappa - Montana* 6. Little Feat - Down on the Farm 7. Ween - I don't want to leave you on the Farm 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  15. It's St. Patty's, the only "drinking planning" you have to do is wake up and start.
  16. I can't wait for this. Going to be a sweet party.
  17. ya ain't a band until you have a rythmn section, good luck with the search.
  18. Yeah, a bunch of bands seem to be playing "against" each other this spring. Two East Coast headliners one week, then two west coast headliners the following week. Maybe if we can get all these bands to play CTMF so we can see them all in May.
  19. Happy birthday Keri, have a good one.
  20. Post pretty much like this (from the YouTube forum) just replace with the imeem info:
  21. is easy... pretty much the same as you'd post a youtube vid Perhaps we can make an online Jambands.ca album. Track 1: Umphrey's McGee - JaJunk Pt. 1
  22. Just like Toyota is the New Chevrolet
  23. Theme: Songs about Troubled Relationships 1. Old Crow Medicine Show - My Good Gal 2. Dave Matthews - Stay or Leave 3. Led Zeppelin - Hot Dog 4. Ben Folds Five - Song For The Dumped 5. Chris Brown & Kate Fenner - Resistance 6. Fleetwood Mac - Second Hand News 7. Genesis - Misunderstanding 8. King Crimson - Three of a Perfect Pair 9. The Slip - I Hate Love 10. 11. 12.
  24. I'm usually just trying to get to bed at this time of day
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