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Everything posted by edger

  1. I'm still on the fence too... I've been a sleepy gal lately. I wish bands played early shows sometimes...
  2. Hey guys, just wondering if anyone else has seen this flick yet? If I recall correctly, it's called Guy Terrifico, and it's basically a mockumentary about the trials and tribulations of a county-rock singer songwriter. It follows his rise to stardom, battles with "excesses", and other interesting storylines. There are guest appearances or "commentaries" from Ronnie Hawkins, Jennings, Cuddy & Keelor, etc. I just thought it was really well done, closely mirroring a real biography of the times. The character is sort of Dylanish in some ways. Anyhow, just curious if anyone else has seen it, and if so what your thoughts are. I personally thought it was really well done, and one of the better movies that I have seen in a long time. Todd and I watched it last Saturday while we were recovering from the Burt Anniversary show, and it was the perfect movie to keep that musically induced nostalgia going. Give it a glance!
  3. Your latter statement sums up a lot of my "work" as well livingstoned... Beyond that I'm a researcher/grad student focusing on environmental/ecosystem/human health, governance schtuff... (otherwise known as banging my head against the wall).. But hey, my optimism hasn't been completely obliterated... yet...
  4. Nice to know that the marketing strategies of Brittany, Fifty Cent and others who push the sex sells envelope has finally caught on... Phew!
  5. edger

    Herbie Cover

    What shows? I'm confused...
  6. Safe travels Mike! Hey, can we get an acoustic Hammertown show? The holidays are always a good time (wink, wink)
  7. Thinking about it. I'm supposed to be going out with my dad for some dinner and comedy before hand... I was not planning on having a late night, but I would like to see these guys. I'll keep you posted. More enticing if I know some friendly familiar faces will be there!
  8. Nickelback definitely sucks, in fact I can't stand them... I can't imagine actually throwing rocks at someone though... I'd much prefer to just beat the crowd out of there and opt for an early departure... Some people...
  9. Hey livingstoned are you going to the Friday show in Hamilton?
  10. 86.1% correct which apparently means I have "excellent musical abilities"... yet I was doubting myself the whole way through... that was bloody tricky! Very cool though MarcO!
  11. I'd say he's a sick fuck even if he is "innocent"
  12. I think it's kind of sad actually...
  13. Development in and of itself is not a dirty word. Unfortunately the "social" and "community" dimensions of development are often completely disregarded, and viewed as inferior after-thoughts to growth. "Progress" is not synonymous with growth if growth is measured solely by the amount of land that is paved over, the amount of box-stores that spring up, etc. This type of "progress" can actually undermine development. Particularly forms of development that is actually meaningful in the lives of real people, and sustainable. It is possible to have adequate and healthy economies without undermining the health and well-being of the people of which they are comprised. In fact, they are not separate systems. We need policies that promote multiple gains instead of perpetuating the illusion that economy, environment and society are separate entities. Way to go Guelph! Great news by the sounds of things!
  14. Yeah, McHattie was a landslide (no real surprise there)... Rob Pasuta won for my ward. He "seems" to have a fairly good grip on the importance of sustainable rural/urban interrelationships. He also opposed the quarry, and the farmers seem to trust him, which is essential. If only Julia Kollek had gotten in for the Dundas ward (she was close). Unfortunatley she fell shortly behind Russ Powers (no offense Scottie... wherever you are...) But yeah, if she had won then we surely would have seen a dramatic shift in the climate of local council. Hopefully the scale has been tipped enough nonetheless... We'll see...
  15. You know what they say about there being "no such thing as bad press"...
  16. I think it's fabulous that Eisenberger was able to win despite the fact that he refused to accept any corporate or union campaign contributions (which is more than can be said of a certain someone...) From the little research that I did do Eisenberger has a fairly impressive background when it comes to environmental issues (particularly when it comes to improving quality of life along the harbourfront). What secured my vote was his extensive involvement in other committees, forums etc. (both governmental and non) that play a huge role in making the Hammer a more liveable city. Lot of work ahead though, that's for sure! It will be interesting to see how he handles this position. Definitely not an easy job to balance all of the conflicting interests within our city. But traditionally the "growth-machine" has had a substantial concentration of political power in this city, so I am happy to see that our system isn't entirely corrupt. I was really (delightfully) surprised by this victory by the way...
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