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Everything posted by Esau.

  1. Approved today. Now all I do is wait for Health Canada to get things rolling (no pun intended). I must say, my daily prescription is a hell of a lot larger then I figured it would be, and it's near 3x what Health Canada claims is the "available information suggests" amount. Not quite sure how all that works yet. I'm pretty happy with the results though and honestly, quite relieved, it's been a long time coming since I first tried and applied.
  2. My entire Dylan collection. The 2TB worth of live Dylan (WAV, FLAC, SHN & DVD), plus every album on CD, as well my vinyl & cassettes of Bob, including rares etc. Not like that would be possible, but that's what I would want out of my entire collection. I don't have many mp3s, (like 2gb maybe) and I wouldn't give a shit if they did disappear, I hardly listen to them.
  3. Esau.


    Nothing at my area (west) mountain either.
  4. Well stop by here before you go Booche and I'll give you all my old cancer and back pain meds I may have kickin around here still. You should be able to sell them no problem. btw - wtf is with the site today, loads halfway and hangs for a bit... anyone else having that issue? This is the only site pulling that on me.
  5. One thing I learned from reading that article: 1. Juggalos bring the lulz.
  6. Esau.

    OCMS hiatus

    I was checking their tour listings and saw this: http://www.crowmedicine.com/tour.php Anyone heard any info on what's up here?
  7. If you haven't read these yet, grab them all and read them in that order. Awesome books. Easily some of my favourite stories. They all tie in together and are based on true events, and injustices. Main subject of the stories. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ihalmiut People of the deer - Farley Mowat http://www.ecobooks.com/books/peopdeer.htm The Desperate People - Farley Mowat http://www.ecobooks.com/books/despeop.htm Walking on the land - Farley Mowat http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/329539.Walking_on_the_Land
  8. Esau.


    You can delete your account, but that will also delete your gmail account you signed up with, as well any other Google products associated with that account. http://www.google.com/support/accounts/bin/answer.py?answer=32046 As for privacy, I dunno seems fine to me, but I have no issues on FB either.
  9. Happy birthday my friend. I hope you have a great day. I'll be sure to tip my elbow many times this eve in your honour. Nostrovia!
  10. Yeah, that's how I see it Hal, still though.. 3" puck in and 3 1/2" hole, 89 feet out, awesome shot.
  11. First Listen: 'Muppets: The Green Album' http://www.npr.org/first-listen-muppets-the-green-album
  12. Don't you have a Mario Kart race to finish?
  13. ha - that was actually something that crossed my mind too after reading/posting this yesterday. I'm surprised there isn't a few Dylan comments to be honest.
  14. Some funny ones here and some down right uncalled for ones (re: Eric Clapton) http://flavorwire.com/musician-insults
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