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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. Ahh shit! I will be working ! total bummer hopefully something comes up or happens cause I would love to see those guys!
  2. HAHAHAH Thats one of my favourite Episodes ! And whats the info on the Event Kev???
  3. That does sound kick ass!
  4. Marge Wann Munch Taco all day tommorow???hahah hah
  5. Snake Wine Just thing its liek finnishing the bottle of Tequalia and eatingf the worm just its 15 times loger:P
  6. HAHAHA Well Im heading down town tommorow sometime to get somew stuff so I figured I would Munch on some taco whilest I was there!
  7. i hink im about to hit up some right solid tacos this weekend thanks to this thread!
  8. Nothing wrong with a bit of pre or post work porn
  9. I think were goin to be finnishing work at midnight tonight and I was wondering if anything is goin on? I wouldnt mind having a couple beers and catching the last of a set of music.
  10. Jeez Brad, You have a answer or a search for everything, What kinda answer you got for the question of life?
  11. I thoguht it said life time membership It was till Jan 18th 2038 I guess if 2012 is true than its a true statment
  12. Who knows though this could turn out to be one of those super simple Ideas that makes someone a millionare haha
  13. No way you would see em eating the giant spinder, Yucky! Creeps me out!
  14. Anyone Heading Ottawa Way from Toronto? I as planning on Grey houndin' it but if someone has a extra seat ill chip in for gas and such, Going to figure out my costume by this or next weekend!
  15. Ol'Hickster


    BBQ at your place? When it becomes avaiable haha
  16. Maybe Basher just has realy femine hands?
  17. Yea expecially if you have War ships and play Navel Battles while your in there!
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