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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. I would love to go but this time illake sure im well rested
  2. Nope didnt lose all of thethem Still got some left, the ones that dont matter and are useless
  3. Im a chick and a Dam Fine peice of ass if I do say so
  4. I was playing Marbles in the back yard a couple weeks ago!
  5. U-Melt set from Moe,down9. Man did they ever Nail the MJ that night I danced my feet off!!!
  6. HOLY SHIT!!! Where have you been Bokonon!!!??
  7. He Was a Man, wait He was a Dragon man, wait.. He was a Dragon.... But he still was........ TROGDOR!!!!!
  8. Obviously he didnt read the "What to do if you dont have a cork screw" thread
  9. That would beeeee so much fun! its a bit too far though and ill be back home in NB ast that time
  10. I really just volunteer for things that my friends are putting on, I dont volunteer for anythign else at all
  11. Ill be in for starting one!
  12. True enough Newrider I will deffinatly do that
  13. Hey I was wondering is anyone heading up from Toronto, That might have a extra seat? I would like to go but am holding off on buying a ticket just incase I cant get up there, I would chip in for gas and such too
  14. I had a good laugh this one guy I ended up drinking with mid day on the hill had a shirt on that said Jerry is Dead Phish Sucks Get Over It Get a Dam Job
  15. HAHAHAH Jaybone I always bust a gut when I see your avitar I think its one of my favourites of all time
  16. Ol'Hickster


    HAHAHAHAHA Ive also been very fond of XOXO latley, I bought it just cause I was looking around and I seen hugs and kiss and it made me laugh but I really like the stuff the Pinto is my favourite follow by the Sav. Blanc and then the Chardonney in that order I havent tried the there red wines yet becuase I dont like red wine that much
  17. I hope im nto dying I have to work tonight
  18. Okay I think I migth have this facebook thing figured out why it does and sometimes doesnt work out, I guess to see my pictures you have to have to be a friend of mine, or a friend of a friend of mine. So I guess people have to have mutal mutal friends or something I accepted the friend invites from those who sent them to me and hopefully were all connected somehows or another if not just add me and that will do the trick. anywho im off to stair at the back of my eye lids for a half dozen hours ! Later days!
  19. MY god poutine is probally my favourite food!
  20. Ahh shitty I thought I set the album so that anyone can see them, im just gettgin in from work and its 3 am so hopefully I will have it all figured out when everyoen wakes up
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