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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. Yea, Some great reviews from the Charlotte County crew aswell! Im deffinatly goin next year, thay are in a BEautiful spot, up in chance harbour
  2. Sweet atleast i will get to see it on Iclips!
  3. I wish I could have been there! looks like it was a blast ! But ill be there next year! best part is its only like 15-20 mins frm my house back home! (these are some pictures my friend took Jay while she was there
  4. Im just getting in to football now but I put my following behind Chelsea
  5. I put in a fantasy team this year on the Premier League site
  6. I just got back from 2 weeks vacation form work I dont think they would like it if I took some more time off lol Thats all
  7. Fuck I wish I could make the trip out there!!
  8. Im really pumped! Its goin to be such a Wicked show I cant wait!
  9. Have you tried Livenation or something liek that? Is ther a differnece?
  10. I had half a sub from 7-11 and when I was reading the pacage I noticed it was schniders meat, So I decided to not eat the rest! remebering this thread from when I read it this morning
  11. HAHAAH Well I guess if your goin to relapse myswell make it worth wild
  12. Too Feet and a Heart beat my friend! The bike is on the way though Im thinking I shoudl get one here soon Perhaps this is the modivation I was lookin for!
  13. Someone get me a Bycicle! And im in !
  14. Well with Sundays Beautiful Weather I finnally got around to throwing the last dozen pavers down and finnished the thng! Yay!
  15. Ahh I wish I could make it out this year but it isnt in the cards, its a blast of a Festival ! and Its only like 20 mins from my house back home hahah Im deffinaly there next year!
  16. That a wild video! I havent had a experience liek that at all but wow, I could only imagine the addrenaline that would be pumping in to yea after something intense like that!
  17. Okay threw in the good old I got a dentist appointment, so I wont be comign in to work the night shift ! Im in! buying tickets later days once I wake up ! Weeee!
  18. Dam!! I hope Ossgoode hall is finnished wy that time cause if its a tuesday and im working nights that would suck muckey nuts!!
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