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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. Was she a grandma from the Future sent back to destroy the androids form being created?
  2. Must be why he will be visiting Africa on work releated trips, I heard Africa is full of high octane players that woudl fit in great to the leafs organisation Marmite kicks ass!
  3. Glad to heard your getting all settled in! Have fun and Dont Slack of at work!
  4. Girl Schwa?? Holy, Someone must have gotten a picture!
  5. Hahaha Yea Im a sucker for street meat! Expecially since ive been working night shifts 6 PM till 3 AM so Fine Dinning is usually hard to find at 1 in the moring for lunch So I always grab a hot dog or sausage, there tasty but i would imagine not that good for yea!
  6. Im thinking Tortalinni with meat sauce!
  7. Anyone have a clip of this so mentioned fuck up, I missed the game and now am totally wanting to see the high lights
  8. Read this title too fast, Though it was goin to be a Porno thread hahahah
  9. Wow those were some awesome pictures!!
  10. If I wasnt working night shift I woudl be totally in !
  11. It was all the refs fault if he would have let the play proced a little bit longer before blowing the whistle, SD woudl have gotten it, because it was a fumble. I think the NFL shoudl adopt the "Advantage Rule" Like Rugby For tese cases
  12. And What bout that call, that Sealed the deal for Denver? Thast was pretty shitty for SD
  13. haha The guy replacing Brady hasnt started since like High school ball! haha I guess thats still enough to beat the Jets though ,
  14. Loaf of Bread, Nutella, Beef Jerky, Pepperoni Sticks and a few cases of beer, and Rum That should be a good list for the weekend!
  15. Yea I was thinking the exact same thing! Im thinking I deffinatly want to attend Burning Man it looks soooooooo Amazing!Maybe next year!
  16. Use the Diahrea excuss they never question yea when I have extreme diahrea and cant come in to work today!
  17. Im sitting down watching TV and though it was cool that Daily Planet is doing a Burning Man episode today, on Discovery Channel, Thought I woudl let you guys know, its pretty cool they just did a segment about this cool Giant Hydrolic Hand that is controlled by a glove! Pretty Neeto!
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