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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. Jay you should put those tunes on the Archive so we cna have some tunes to get hyped with
  2. I know its probally mentioned here already but when is the dates of the Blues Fest I think I might take time off and go to Ottawa for the fest
  3. It just comes up saying Cannot Perform this operation because the default mail client is not properly installed
  4. Deffintly Goovey Dudes, I love seening them play, Always a boogie-rific time! Check them out !
  5. I love Green peppers but they make me fart if I have alot
  6. There closed today I guess ill have to make what I have last till dinner time then hit up the pub, hopefully there still open,
  7. 30 Foot tall pink bunny, That would be scarry haha Oh yea anyone know if the LCBO is open today Ive called 2 times both getting a busy signal so im hoping they are
  8. Im deffinalty waiting for this one to come out!!
  9. Well Well, That does sounds pretty tempting
  10. Hey Skanks Just Wanted to say Have a Good Friday! Being Good Friday in all, I know today will be a good day full of beer and TV and Movies and such!
  12. I Wish I would have been able to make this one I think this is unfortunitally the biggest bummer for me of 2008
  13. Hey well when yea find out what the info is, give me a shout on my cell 416-420-1788, And we will see if I can squeee this one outa the bag
  14. Is there tickets for this avalable yet? cause I LOVE kid in the hall I wouldnt miss this one!
  15. Its not the late issue, I got to work tommorow which I thoght I didnt, But who knows Ive been known to come to work feeeling like poop before, You driving back home after the show Kev?
  16. God Damnit They did this again! I was super pumped to go to this and now Work has fucked me again! Hopefully something will happen for me to figure this out!
  17. I dont mind Pinapple, its okay every now and then but I can only eat a little bit before I dont like it anymore, I think its a little too sweet for me
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