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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. HAHA I heard about this when we were listening to the radio on the swing stage at work and I will deffinatly have to get a copy of this! I can Hear it now with a heavy beat " I gave the biatch a puddin pop.. .WHAT!.... A Puddin Pop! Yo"
  2. Ol'Hickster


    I always like to throw some boiled hot dog peices in to the mix to and as for the presidents choice white cheddar, I concer with it being the Bomb!
  3. Ol'Hickster


    I like addinding bacon too, but I never use milk really just alot of butter or margerine, But I think my favourite thing to do it when im mixing it all together I add in some sharp cheddar and I put in ol' Elpaso Taco mix! It spicys it up at bit I call it Mexi-D hah
  4. Had a pretty good weekend acctually, layed back day at work saturday, followed by diving balls deep in to a big bottle of rum, Seeing some wicked musicians play great music! GTB rocked it like always and House of David, HPD and the whole gang took me rock rockin it to to a Funky Groove! also seeing some great friends who I havent seen in a while,
  5. You got it right New Rider Summer is loookin rather Groovy!
  6. Hmmm Sound delicious I know what I will be making thursday night!
  7. haha Thats how I usually watch south park aswell
  8. Love the New Album! It getting some crazy milage on the stereo Today!
  9. Oh man, I watched this new episode on Friday and its deffinatly one of my all time favourites, Check it out, And Lets get Cheesed! have some Mary-Jane Piss in your face fun time! South Park - Major Boobage
  10. Wicked time last night guys! they rocked the place ! Nice seeing yea again Jakis, and sorry abotu bring the drunkest girls in toronto to the show hahahaha
  11. WICKED time last night!!! Some great Tunes with some great musicians and a wonderful crowd! and I think I fell for EMPRESS DEEQA not only is she amazingly beautiful! btu she has a voice that could rock the rings of a racoons tail!
  12. Ol'Hickster

    bbq ideas

    Any other good cheap steak option is the flank steak, its usually really cheap but can usually be tough so whenever I get one I will give it a good bash with the mallet on both sides tenderising it then let it sit for a good long time in a marinade of your choice then throw it on the barbie!
  13. Ol'Hickster

    bbq ideas

    Blade steak is a good steak, but it is pretty much a stewing steak, but it you were to braise it I think that would do well it if full of flavour due to the bone content but can be tough its if its grilled, but I mean I know people that swear by it as a BBQ steak but I wouldnt BBQ it unless it was long marinaded or being tossed in the beautiful stew, But it usually is a cheaper steak, and I would deffinatly add it to stew or braise it
  14. Ol'Hickster

    bbq ideas

    Bigger half(bottom)is the "NY Striploin" and the smaller(top) is a nice peice of Tenderloin As for Wing Steak, Its the bottom cuts of the loin and do not have any of the tenderloin on it It goes from front to bottom of the loin being Porterhouse, T-bone, then Wing steak Heres a breakdown of the beef
  15. I agree with you Jaimoe not one of his best works but I do like it
  16. Im watching Clash of the Titans, and was wondering if anyone else was a fan of this classic movie! not to mention Judi Bowker is beautiful as Princess Andromeda in the movie I love this movie!
  17. The best Part Marge is two of the shows you hitting is are in the same building haha!!! Im soo pumpe for to night !!
  18. Hey Marge Pre Drinks? Ive already started but I like a change of sceneery!
  19. Ol'Hickster

    bbq ideas

    Very nice Very nice! You shoudl buy a nice Porterhouse if yea want a good striploin though, The porterhouse is the first 10-12 cuts off of the top of the loin and usually consist of having alot of beautiful marbling, See the strip loin is just the large part of a loin cut without the bone( you pay more for labour of the butcher to remove the bone) But if you get a nice porter house you get a beautiful Striploin and a good peice of Tenderloin (usually quite expensive by itself) and you get the great flavour of the marrow in the bone when cooked. But if you lookin for price Savings when you shopping most butchers or meat cutters will just take Wing steak( cheaper bottom of the loin cut) de-bone it and make the price up a few dollars more and call it NY Stirploin, So if you want a nice striploin at cheap price Try looking at a nice wing steak and just take the bone off yourself
  20. Ive been a huge fan for a while now and love all there tunes, for a couple years I made steady trips to Freddy town to see them play, Tim also has some wicked solo tunes!
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