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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. Ive nevr been to Ireland I will deffinatly have to go sometime!
  2. I would love to cook and Shag with yea Bokonon Im thnking Kd with Hotdogs and finnish with Freezies for desert
  3. Yea I get in to a funk usually 1 day a month
  4. Oh man you shoudl have seen me at work today, I was in complete asshole mode lol
  5. Or anyone have a spare seat driving down
  6. no no no I wasnt saying you implyed that I was just saying myself that im glad the City of Toronto didnt decide to tear it done not you AD And as for the parliment example its the only thing I could thing of on the top of my head for heritage in Ottawa ( I dont live there), no offence intended in any of my verbal diarea, Ive just had too many after work beers and now am typing away
  7. SO you make it yourself Freak by night?? Whats your recipe??
  8. So now revitalized Whats the next Album C towns?
  9. I have a bunch of pictuers aswell but not as clear as those hope to get them on the comp soom ,
  10. Canada Has to (as a young country) Keep its Hertiage, and realise it is important, I hope that whole block is re-done right by Resto-masons like myself because Canada need to keep what it has, The company I work for restored Old City Hall and does most of the stuffin the GTA and surrounding area, Im glad they didnt tear it down, its a land mark, and I can understand AD that you dont live here but I mean there is alot of money goin in to the parliment buildings, What if they decided to change the parliment building to Glasss and steel? Ottawa wouldnt be the same with out that heritage. Dont get me wrong I apreciate new arichtechual design and engineering but keep what is heritage heritage, there is a reason why people travel far to see the pyrmids, the Domo, The Vatican, the colliseum, Notra Dam and many many more, magnificant buildings around the "oldWorld" Hopefully Toronto will try to keep what is truly Toronto Toronto. I knwo this was a long rant but a rant is rant and Rant on
  11. Yea I got my tickets today!!! Whooo!! Anyone driving down to Buffalo Let me know cause I am goin to book my ticket and I will try to match the flights
  12. Ginger Kids haha Hot Photos though!
  13. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Fuck my bad I mis read that! But hope tonight was wicked cool ! The moon was I know Im happy!!
  14. Wicked!! Absolutly wonderful, Wish I had one of those high tech super space cameras, but my digital will do see you agian dark moon in 2010~
  15. You bet Kanada Im sitting here having some drinks enjoying it !
  16. its about a 8th of a moon and the skys are a clear as ever!!!! AWOOOOOOOOO!
  17. I mean, this is a very interesting Topic because alot pf people either do or dont use the internet for music downloads, I would say as being a perosn who downloads alot of music and videos( and is looking for a exteral harddrive ) I would have no problem with the 5 bucks more I mean its 5 buck for jeeze sakes but I do understand for the peopl not using the service, because if someone asked me to pay a extra 5 bucks for something I didnt use I would be like Fuck off! lol
  18. I dont know Fuck all about phones or cell phone other than if I dial a numeber or I send a text message thast about it for me I think im cell illiterate
  19. I agree with you 100% Jaimoe, Toronto is a wonderful city filled with much heritage(being quite young in the grand picture) and it seems like Toronto doesnt want to embrase the heritage and is soon off to find the NEW, thing, I love heritage and enjoy embrasing it, being as its my trade in all, I hope Toronto relaises wht history it has and keeps it for another 100 years
  20. HAHAHAHAAHAHH, Im goin to be there on Saturday, just because Marge is my hero!
  21. Ol'Hickster


    fixed hopefully you were the first to see that I have been a little in to the sauce and forgot that not everyoen has seen Thansk Jaimoe for the warnign hopefully I get it soon enough
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