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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. Nope still a no go for me ill give it another ten mins but if still no go then I go I need my sleep that 4 30 alarm comes prety quick when yea stay up late
  2. Yea I just started having problems darn this thing is good then bad and repeat
  3. ME either I cant wait to get my hnads on a Copy !! Perhaps before of after Febuary sometime eh Brad
  4. Damnit!!! I had it up too and then I closed it to wait till later Fuck now its not working!!
  5. hahah the "Wooooooo Teng Clan " hahah
  6. I had a left over chicken breast I bbq last night, mini somosa's and a bottle of crystal light to wash it down oh yea and muched on some pretzels
  7. Ahhh Sweet thanks for the heads up, I was wondering when something was goin to happen
  8. SWeet Im deffinatly in for this one!! I love Victors Wild beats!!
  9. Yea I heard abotu that on the announcements the play on the subway whenI got on today, would be a wild wake up call half asleep on the subway at 1 30 then you rolled over arse over tea kettle, wow, hope everyone is okay though
  10. Easy tiger I can read too, I learned from the side of bottles hahah
  11. This way Bokonon can not only reach in to every part in the mini bar but she can also pour shots and mix drinks, and not miss one step of the action!
  12. I was goin to go to this one but I cant Make it we got alot of shit to do at the site cause I guess there is a bunch of architects and shit coming to do some video documenting of the goins on and shit, total bummer, the TO show rocked atleast I seen that one
  13. That was a good night!! for food anyways I had sausage rolls and steak and salad before the game and then went to the pub for all you can eat Chilli and hotdogs, I made chlli dogs The Chilli was superb aswell the pub always makes killer chilli!
  14. haha just thinking about music movies I came up stairs today to find my brother watching Abba the movie or atleast thast what he said he was watching, I had a good chuckle and then went back to chillin with beers and the mighty boosh
  15. Yea thast deffinaly a bummer Dude , I hate when airlines loose your shit!
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