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Posts posted by CharlieDon'tSurf

  1. I'm not talking about the NeroBus!

    In the spirit of Canadiana, I think we should all descend from our respective bandwagons and give the Buds a motivational push! No need for bad vibes, just the good 'uns, k?

    Here's a little something else...


    Go Leafs Go!!!

    (Man, I can't believe I just typed that)


  2. Mask is off...first thing revealed... a fiery pool of iridescent magma and something indiscernible in its depths...

    The mask is not a mask at all...it is a barrier...

    or something like that, maybe different, but similar

    ya know?

  3. I've showed relative restraint thus far, as my Cheerios were pissed in this morning. All these yummy bad vibes are hard to resist and disembowling a phreakin' Care Bear or two would be nice!

    Maybe I'll go into education and take my frustrations out there...


  4. What I meant was, when using electrons to communicate I often let the dumb-side of my brain do all the talking (by the dumb-side, I mean the side where the libido resides, which is more like the whole brain)

    Think of honesty as an engine. Think of beer and good tunes as Pennzoil 10W30.

    Honesty will still run for a little while without any Pennzoil, but eventually things seize up....

    grin.gif" border="0rolleyes.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0

  5. No worries H, twasn't you! It was the Evil Masked Cheerios Pisser who roams the teeny village of Yarker on the prowl for unattended cereal bowls....

    By the way the smile.gif" border="0 does make it all better, now I'm ready fer anything!

    As CareBears had come up before, I suggest a trip to:

    CareBear Stare

    to determine your true CareBear psyche!

    I, suprisingly enuff, qualified as Grumpy Bear...fuk 'em!

    grin.gif" border="0

  6. Hey Miss Reba... are you and yer Dog going anywhere this weekend? I could always tag along, but I need to plant a tree for me little bro sometime this weekend.

    I'll see what I can do Booche...thanks for the invite, cuz the more Skanks I meet, the better!

    By the way, I meant bullshit in the best possible way wink.gif" border="0

  7. The pool of magma is just bull shit, 'cuz anything honest is only appropriate over a few beers and some loud, crazy tunes...

    I like to talk stupid when speaking with electrons and a little more serious when the atmosphere calls for it...

    dunno, just personal preferences I guess...plus I'm a newbie and still learning the ropes of the Skank.

    tongue.gif" border="0

  8. P.S. being one o' the Newbies, I didn't spend too much time on the other format, but I think the merge job was well done!

    Everything continues to evolve and so will the Sanctuary!

    That's my 1.37 cents worth (after taxes and whatnot)...

  9. Despite what might have been the hand off, there IS way too much this guy can do...I personally loved the one were he filled up buddy's super can and phreaked the guy out so bad he broke his shitty headphones!!!!

    Anywaay, 34 hours plus on top of a pole is unbelievable! And yeah, he talks like he's been well supplied with opiates...

    His best trick so far, however, is meeting that fine looking wife of his

    shocked.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0shocked.gif" border="0

  10. Burroughs vs. Burns came from deep within my subconscious. Probably sort of a little pay back for Billy Burroughs and George Burns seems like the right guy to do it...

    Maybe Shirley Temple would be a better opponent for Burroughs, I dunno. Those crazy curls and the incessant humming of 'Good Ship Lollipop' would too much for anyone...

    confused.gif" border="0

  11. Mr. Blaine is amazing...some of the best stuff that he does is not the actual magic, per se, but the reactions he tries to get

    Like when he 'apparently' passed out on the sidewalk or took that wee miny bike for a ride down Broadway or whatever street that was!!! People's reactions are just amazing!

    Notice the third-man in on the watch trick?!? The age old hand off to get it in the jewellry shop window...

    This guy will be around for a while (hopefully)

  12. I dunno if its just me, but the avatars and signatures have problems loading

    I second the motion on colour changes

    Possible artwork...a new medium for Reba?

    Guest appearances by Howie Mandel, Richard Simmons and the like...

    tongue.gif" border="0

  13. Consider the following somewhat graphic, yet completely fictional, scenarios and give your thoughts on the outcome:

    1) Siberian Tiger vs. Grizzly Bear. Who wins?

    2) 3 Chimpanzees vs. WWF's The Rock & Triple H. Who wins?

    3) Neil Young, Keith Richards and Pete Townsend on guitar. Who out-jams the others?

    4) The Mask of Vulcan vs. Daedalus. Who screws up first and dies?

    I've been at work way too long and this is the only way to make the brain swelling go down....

    P.S. No animals were harmed in the posting of this message.

  14. Question within the Question:

    What was it about the Rhino's attempts to make a gold statue of himself that was gonna help him rule the world?

    I always was puzzled by this, hence he didn't make my list!

    Oh ya, I guess I could mention that Colonel Kurtz was a fantastic villian (depending on where your morals stand, maybe it was Capt. Willard)

    And Frank Booth (Hopper in Blue Velvet) WAS awesome... his love letter spiel is probably the best threat ever...

  15. Thanks Sloth!

    If ya wanna see some re-airing of his Street Magic, I think its TLC that frequently has some of the older ones...its either TLC or Discovery, but I think its TLC...or maybe Discovery... what was I saying?

    Oh well, that's my two cents worth...

  16. Yup...

    Block of ice, buried alive, levitating, pulling the head of a chicken and puttin' it back on, burning names into his chest and all around freaky street magician guy!

    Ya gotta see him to believe him. I just hope he doesn't get too gimmicky (the ice block was getting pretty close to that)

  17. Let ol' Man Booche tell ya wink.gif" border="0

    For a man, too old is when the words "Sorry, honey, but I really don't feel like it" come out of his mouth.

    For a woman, too old is when the words "Where the hell did that tattoo go?!" come out of her mouth.

    tongue.gif" border="0

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