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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Booche

    NFL 2010

    Now you're just picking a fight. Neon was a joke compared to Bo.
  2. Happy birthday Mr Beliveau. Someone had some coin.
  3. Booche

    NFL 2010

    I dont know if Chris Johnson is as shifty as Barry. I'll have to pay closer attention but that is heady praise. And Barry werent no Bo. I wasnt implying Bo was better but it would have been interesting if his career wasnt cut so short. No one ever had a combination of speed and strength like that. He was miles ahead of everyone else on the field and could play today with what he had. Keep in mind I loved watching Barry Saunders. He is one of my favorite backs ever. Wait. Dont we have this conversation at the end of every August? I'll leave it at that.
  4. I'm out boys. My keeper league drafts tomorrow night.
  5. First it was DaveyBoy 2.0 with EPL posts that reeked of pretentious douchebaggery but not surprisingly, Ollie has jumped on the bandwagon.
  6. First off, point me in a direction that proves Sportsnet was originally going to carry these games but they have been recently moved to Sportsnet 1. Secondly, show me proof my bill is going to increase because of this new channel. All I am seeing is alot of hearsay on these two matters. This appears to be an issue but I dont really care because I am in a Rogers zone so fuckyou Hal. Cry me a river. It's happened to me and will happen again in my lifetime. BELLRDSHD'd.
  7. If that proves to be true then I can understand the complaints. That's total bullshit.
  8. Were these games originally supposed to air on Sportsnet but then got moved to Sportsnet 1 ??
  9. Did you have to pay extra for TSN2? If you did then Bell isnt for you.
  10. I should have known. Nothing gets bayou.
  11. They are striking a deal with Bell but taking their time in hopes Bell customers get pissed and jump ship to Rogers. The same thing happened with RDSHD and Bell. I saw a couple of Rogers folks jump ship just so they could get the Habs in HD that season but the following season it was made available to Rogers. I could be waaaaaaaay off the mark but it stands to reason. Bell is just as evil and why? Because they are a business first and foremost. So quit your whining because you work for the enemy Mr CTVGlobemediacunt.
  12. Anyone who complains about additional sports channels offering the ability to watch more games of your favorite teams/sports is a fuckingmoron. Way to go champ.
  13. Welcome to how mad I was 2 hockey seasons ago when RDSHD was introduced and only Bell carried it but its now on Rogers and I have no complaints, certainly after getting Sportsnet1 for free. Suck on that Hal.
  14. Somewhere in this world, Hamilton is sporting a boner and he doesnt know exactly why. You will learn soon enough my darling Brian. I promise.
  15. Where's Liverpool? Oh yeeeeeeeeeeah..................
  16. Booche

    Phall Tour

    You broke your own record.
  17. You do realize this is an elaborate plan to get to you, right?
  18. Watching the game, my kid wakes up from his nap and needs to get up. ManU just got awarded the penalty and I thought "Perfect. This one's out of reach." as I climbed the stairs. Get the boy and eventually make it back downstairs to see Fullham scoring. I didnt care because I figured it was 2-2 but something about the celebrations and ManU's body language told me it wasnt.............. And I couldnt disagree more about Setenta Pog. I think far too many of the games (that I have checked out) are upconverted and look like a pile of asswhipe on previously used toilet paper. It's criminal to have that monthly fee and not have more than 90% of your games in HD.
  19. Booche


  20. Hmmm. Evidently there was a period in my life when I actually liked Roller.
  21. Much like Bob, I wore out my tape of this in my old Honda. When that car went to the graveyard I left the tape in it because they were both one of the same. I couldnt imagine one without the other. Awesome fucking show. I cant wait to see this. The absolute BEST Crosseyed And Painless.
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