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Everything posted by Booche

  1. At least he didnt say he would be the next captain because that might be locked up: According to a report in La Presse, Brian Gionta will be named the 28th captain of the Canadiens.
  2. Count this as my vote for NO regarding head to head.
  3. Wait wait wait wait wait. Arent you the same person who correctly predicted Alpine Valley as being the best shows of the second leg?
  4. Everyone has heard Running On Empty but not enough own the album. How Phish has never covered The Load Out is beyond me.
  5. There is alot of wow in that lineup! Buffalo Springfield reunion? Amazing. That also reminded me of Wilco's killer cover of Broken Arrow at the NAC last March. You know what else caught my eye? Jackson Browne and David Lindley Is this another reunion? Velvet, Vegas will always be there. You could just hit it after this weekend. You'll be in that neck of the woods........kinda.
  6. Booche

    NFL 2010

    Ooooooooh, Todd Heap! What a catch.
  7. Booche

    NFL 2010

    Have any of you realized how off the television is from the ESPN website updates? Badams and I were on the phone when BAL went ahead. Holyfuckingshit. I watched the Ravens try and stuff it in twice (did it on the third try) while Badams knew they had scored the touchdown.
  8. Booche

    NFL 2010

    I cant even imagine how I ever did pre-HDTV after seeing that Cromartie INT and wondering whether or not he stepped out of bounds right after he caught it.
  9. Booche

    NFL 2010

    How about Michael Vick? It was a blast watching him yesterday. Hand him the ball Andy, hand him the ball. Matt Forte came up huge for me in fantasy points but that was mainly due to his receiving. His game winning catch was fuckingsick, reminded me of Marcus Allen, but he was given multiple punches at the goaline in one series whereby he and the line couldnt cross. That was the opposite of Marcus Allen.
  10. You're just lucky there isnt a video of Most Embarrassing Pop Up Ever.
  11. Booche

    NFL 2010

    That fucking call on Calvin Johnson is a brutal rule as far as I am concerned. If that costs me a win in my keeper league this week..........
  12. Fucking throwing away points again. Unbelievable. Dont forget. ABC today at 3pm. It's in highdef too! @
  13. Booche

    NFL 2010

    9 points and a loss whereby Minn never looked dangerous tells me enough about the game I watched. Almost half of AP's yards came on three runs? Fuck your stats. New Orleans didnt even have to show up to win that one. Sloth, you should know right away that if you are agreeing with POG then you were drunker than you thought. Like I said, I will agree that it's possible Minny started to call a bad game but I felt like they chose to go away from AP because they didnt feel like they could keep calling his number in order to succeed. NO took away that confidence. Maybe they would won had they not but we'll never know. All I know for sure is if they are going to put up a decent enough record to make the playoffs their offence is going to have to look a helluva lot better than they did but it's only the first game.
  14. Booche

    NFL 2010

    I felt NO didnt give Minny the chance to go after the run (or at least feel confident in calling said running plays) and also didnt give up big yards on a single run to AP, which helped them take away the run. Did you really feel like Minnesota's running game was that much of a problem for NO? I certainly didnt. Maybe it was poor play calling but if I was the defensive coordinator for Ahleen's, I would have felt like I did my job because the Vikings didnt seem to have much confidence to put anything together. Maybe I should have said "They took the run away by not allowing them to establish the run." but whatever. They took it away and took away Minny's passing game. No offence whatsoever and NO never looked worried about it.
  15. Booche

    NFL 2010

    I thought NO took the running game out of AP.
  16. Booche

    NFL 2010

    I'm going to assume that was a misprint.
  17. Booche

    NFL 2010

    Hahahaa, Warren Sapp commercial = gold. I'll hate it in 3 weeks but that aint now.
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