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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Gotta leave your legacy somehow, eh George Bush? Fine. I'll pick my battles and vote YES for this one even though I think it is stupid as fuck. Fucking Florida all over again.
  2. It's probably just a tumour making you think you are a hypochondriac.
  3. You mean Indika The Halfling. He's going to be all over this season causing havoc. Sure glad I didnt see that HBO poster before I saw the episode. I couldnt believe that first scene! Michael Vick'd
  4. Booche

    NFL 2010

    Why wouldnt you get Clay Matthews?? Take your tampon out, although it's probably too late because because I can smell the odour from here. I pretty sure you've already got a case of toxic shock syndrome. Top 5 NFL Jersey Sales Purchased By Dames 1. Aaron Rodgers 2. Tom Brady 3. Drew Brees 4. Peyton Manning 5. Brett Favre
  5. I know someone and this is their job, to a fuckingT. I guarantee he sends me an email about this fest if grants/money were made available to them. He's gotten my take before, probably thanks to this board. ::saves thread::
  6. If this is the one I have heard, it is totally worth it for the between track talking and listening to *someone* take drags that cant be off a cigarette. Holy shit, some of it is simply awesome. You can totally immerse yourself in that little room as if you are a fly on the wall. Definitely my favorite 'session' that I have ever heard.
  7. Wait wait wait wait wait. You decided to drive out to something on a whim to check it out for yourself even though you knew from all these reports/pics that this thing was an epic failure (for once, the proper use of that term). You didnt have 10 dollars between the two of you yet you hopped on the two free tickets even though you felt bad for the organizers? Boom. There's the downfall of our society.
  8. Booche


    Thank you Sloth. I am currently drinking my one and only Double Chocolate Stout which I picked up at the LCBO tonight based on your most recent addiction Thanks to you I am still addicted to ice cold Grolsch cans on hot summer drunking days, so I am doubting this will replace that need but this is a very enjoyable beer with a soft aftertaste that perfectly lingers and makes me want to drink more. FUCK!
  9. Booche

    NFL 2010

    The second coming of Rich Gannon is starting for the Raiders this weekend boys. Bet the house on them. Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuce Gradwowski is going to bring back the commitment to excellence. Raiders - Redskins Super Bowl this year. I'm retiring on that bet. Seriously though, last weekend was insane. Bruce always brings it. He is their Halak. Last game, the crowd was booing to end the 1st half, Gradwowski started the 2nd half and by his 4th snap the crowd went from "booooooooooooooo" to "Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuce" It was my favorite Raider moment in the past 7 years. Wild though, this guy always seems to get it done whenever he comes in. He understands the weaknesses of his terrible offensive line and poor receivers, who he makes looks better somehow. I know. I know. It was against the Lams but still........everytime I have seen him come in the past couple of years has been the same thing. He's the only qb who can make the offense move the chains and score some points.
  10. Wow Kev. I havent been in this thread in ages but nice links........time to jump on those. Back to the topic at hand. Friday beer schwillys:
  11. Booche


    You know who else drinks cider? Low Roller. FYL
  12. What's wrong with you queens? This is what you decided to talk about following the first episode? Holyfuck.
  13. Damn. Good point Velvet. I was trying to be all heady and shit.
  14. Dave-O's midseason form shows he is 14 points out of a playoff spot and 2 points from being dead last in the league.
  15. I didnt watch the game at all Sloth but come on. You are better than that. You must realize goalies dont get 'yanked' in pre-season. They share their time. Consider this my handshake for the same bet.
  16. This proves that Sens fans are seriously retarded. Yesterday afternoon, Jacques Martin announced he would be starting Carey and putting in Curtis Sanford around the midway mark of the game. Jesuschrist. I cant believe I am fucking commenting on pre-season. Thanks alot asshole.
  17. I'm pretty sure you were on your own TG, taking pics and setting up a camp to make it look like you were at a festival with a bunch of other folks.
  18. Booche

    NFL 2010

    Or drops one of Miami's wins because lord knows they shouldnt be 2 and 0 no matter what Badams tries to tell you.
  19. No one was "mocking" the toaster. We were worshipping it you fucking newb! And again, this board is bouche's blood sweat and tears. Thanks for that brother.
  20. Booche

    NFL 2010

    I'ld probably off myself too if I played for the Donkeys. Too soon? Homer: (Reading note) "Project Arcturus couldn't have succeeded without you. This will get you a little closer to that dream of yours. It's not the Dallas Cowboys, but it's a start. Drop me a line if you're on the East Coast, Hank Scorpio." Aw, the Denver Broncos! Marge: I think owning the Denver Broncos is pretty good. Homer: Yeah, yeah. Marge: Well, explain to me why it isn't. Homer: (Sighs) You just don't understand football, Marge.
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