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Everything posted by Booche

  1. From everything said in here, this is the only 'somewhat logical argument' that Hal understood: I'm not even going to bother quoting what was said right from the start. It's all there for you to read.
  2. I bet your six year old wins all the logic arguments around the house.
  3. We voted on the scoring changes, not 'partial' scoring changes. You lost, plain and simple. Either get rid of the hits or consider me gone. I'm sick of your tyrannical dictatorship. Someone has to take a stand against this bullshit.
  4. After Cliff, Damien Cox is next on the list of folks who should get cut. You would think he would know better but nooooooooooooooo. The fat bald headed fuck. "The next day, a shaken Toronto Maple Leafs executive Cliff Fletcher told several reporters that he'd heard Burns had passed away. It made sense in the context of the previous day's story about Burns's declining health. Without consulting Burns's family or double checking the story, Damien Cox of The Toronto Star reported Fletcher's story on his Twitter account. Within an hour the story was viral."
  5. Not for fantasty purposes you assmunch. And someone should point out to you that baseball is the most individualistic of 'team' sports so of course they are going to delve and go deeper. I also think it has gone waaaaaay overboard and yes, they are fucking dumb.
  6. Booche

    NFL 2010

    Ohno, poor Gano. The kid hit the first fg but Houston had called a timeout.
  7. Booche

    NFL 2010

    Jason Campbell = benched to start the 2nd half. Aint because he's hurt, that much I figure. [color:purple]This Rams/Raiders game is incredible.
  8. If by "trying to make it fun" you mean "making it stupid and a joke" then I agree. I wouldnt want to see a 'Tackles' category with my fantasy football.
  9. Just so I can understand this..... You have a vote, lose and still plan to add bodychecks? I cant deal with this fucking amateur hour bullshit.
  10. Aaaaaah, the idiot squad. Isnt that cute?
  11. Aaaaaaaaaaah.........got ya. Cheers because you just made me laugh. Trust to know I am not *that* angry. I just think Hal is overthinking this league. Dont tweak just to tweak. This isnt the Meth League All-Stars.
  12. What the fuck are you talking about? Perhaps I have had one too many beers (fucking two thus far) but I see it as Brad not wanting these categories added.
  13. THREE-TWO? It's fucking 4-1 buddy. You are losing this battle.
  14. I have enough problems with the plus/minus stat for fuck's sake and now Hal wants to add categories to include how hot a players girlfriend/wife is.
  15. Why not add every shot taken by a skater whether it gets blocked, saved or hits the glass? Every hockey player doesnt need to have some category added so that he can be a 'fantasy player'. Do you really think Mike Komisarek getting drafted 30th overall makes any sense?
  16. Which GM in the league would take Robidas over Toews? Those two names dont belong in the same sentence which is why your proposal is fucking retarded. You could get a hell of a good look at a T-Bone steak by sticking your head up a bull's ass, but wouldnt you rather take the butcher's word for it?
  17. The problem isnt drafting low. The problem is said draftee. I love getting a low draft position and getting 2 picks either back to back or almost back to back. I'm with DaveO. Bunch of fucking noobs in here.
  18. No offence but drop the 'hits' and 'blocked shots'. That's just fucking ridiculous as far as I am concerned. I still love you.
  19. Everyone knows that only a raging coke induced stupor causes someone to put three lit smokes in their mouth at the same time. "A picture while they were down south" Ding ding ding ding ding. Where do you think coke comes from?
  20. It sure does begin. Same thing happens with every team.
  21. Booche

    NFL 2010

    Is anyone really shocked Ollie is a bandwagony Pats fan? If you are, no longer shall you be: Tom Brady took the occasion of being surrounded by media to talk about Patriots Nation. The Patriots quarterback spoke to a large assembly of media in the locker room [Wednesday] about the challenges the team faces this Sunday against the New York Jets, and the disappointment he felt when he saw so many empty seats in the second half at Gillette Stadium in the season opening win over the Bengals. "The road environment is very different than our friendly home crowd, who when I looked up, half the stadium was gone when we were up 21 points early fourth quarter, which I wasn't so happy about," Brady said. "I don't think the Jets fans leave early. They're going to be loud the whole game."
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