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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Philly had 5 less shots last night in the entire game compared to Washington in this first period. And won. There is alot to work on but fuckme if Bigtits isnt still coasting at his leisurely regular season pace while everyone else is at least trying to fly. Poor MA Bergeron too. Washington is pounding towards him, which I would also do if I were Boudreau.
  2. I can diagnose your psychiatric conditions on a part-time basis as well provided you show me the fucking money. Got a blown ACL myself. You dont bounce back from a knee injury as quickly as Michalek did unless its already blown and you are opting out of surgery until later. I mean, ya'll saw him hit that post last month? Right? Right?
  3. You tell me. In the know? Or music elitism?
  4. That was my diagnosis a month ago. There is no way he did it last night. He just (stupidly) chose to ride out the season and wait for surgery. For his sake he hopefully didnt tear any of the other ligaments.
  5. Prediction for tonight: I will continue to sadly miss Glen Metropolit.
  6. "waaaaaaaaaaah, my boss is an asshole........waaaaaaaah....."
  7. So you are just another whiner who cant deal with a situation face to face, man to man. Instead you moan to everyone in a passive aggressive fashion until someone has to go to upper management on your behalf because they are sick of listening to you. Way to go champ.
  8. No way. Low Roller passing judgement on something he didnt really see? [color:purple]That's never happened before.
  9. Hahhaaha. Toronto fans crying in their soup. Fucking hilarious. Imagine if Brian Boob hadnt traded the pick away what the ratings would have been!
  10. Way to live under a rock, douchenozzle. We've been all over Burke's questionable moves. It started when he signed Komisarek to that ridiculous contract. I swear. Sussex gingerale turns people into morons.
  11. I think there is only one thing I can say after reading Esau's post:
  12. Actually, the best part is all the Leaf homers who are listening to Brian Burke talk about this trade and believing him. Fuckin'tools.
  13. Hahaha. Awesome. Totally awesome.
  14. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, who's the lame one now? I just remembered Cun-towns came up with that name for Jaimoe. My apologies everybody.
  15. Make some picks and then pass judgement Lame-O.
  16. 2nd overall pick dating back to 2003: 2003 = Eric Staal 2004 = Evgeni Malkin 2005 = Bobby Ryan 2006 = Jordan Staal 2007 = James van Riemsdyk 2008 = Drew Doughty 2009 = Victor Hedman
  17. I think you should give an extra 2pts for getting the correct games played. Doing that is worth so much more than 1 pt. Pittsburgh in 6 (would have taken Ottawa in 7 if L'Artiste were around....no nans...he would have come to play) Buffalo in 6 New Jersey in 7 Washington in 6 Detroit in 7 Vancouver in 6 San Jose in 6 Chicago in 5
  18. I dont really follow this stuff but I am wondering if a message has been sent: Dont fuck with Leno. He is the white man's Oprah.
  19. You know what really grinds my gears? Each one of you idiotic lemmings who want to try this thing, or worse yet, are disappointed it isn’t in Canada so you cant try it. Just look at that menu item. It’s a bacon/mayo/cheese sandwich on a bun made of fried chicken for Christ’s sake! The only thing missing is cow tongue. Of course it is going to be disgusting. KFC is on record as saying this sandwich is aimed at the lowest common denominator and you still want to try it. They are pointing at you and laughing. They see you as the dude who comes into their store and says “I’ll take mashed potatoes and gravy, chicken, cheese and corn. Just swirl it about and slop it all together in one big bowl. Naaaah. Who uses cutlery?†Look, I aint no beacon for good health or strong nutritional values but I know ass piss when I smell it and this thread reaks, yet ya’ll still want to chow down. And that’s what really grinds my gears.
  20. Hahaa, Habs in 7.......love it Badams. Seriously. Heavy underdogs these Habs are. The Caps have only lost 5 games in regulation at home all year and I just read this: Since Ovechkin was named captain on Jan. 5, the Capitals are a league-best 30-4-8. Halak (or Carey if Jaro falters early) is going to have to be masterful. I'm sure everyone knows the goalie will have to steal this series for the Habs to move onto the second round.
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