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Everything posted by Booche

  1. If you still have it, dont forget to play the mother of all Dead mixtapes.
  2. Is should go ding ding dingaling ding dingaling ding ding and show a cartoon dude with warped fingers playing air guitar. nero in a nutshell
  3. I can be honest here when I say that I got a glimmer or hope once Price was pulled. Not that I am putting the 3-0 lead on his shoulders but to finally see MTL pull a goalie in hopes of jumpstarting the team was music to my ears.
  4. nero should go to this configuration and play baby music. Obviously there is a market for it and its not like the tweakers will even notice. They're already drooling about how high they plan to get that night. Hell, Lauzon just popped a boner because he can get crunked and see nero for the first time.
  5. Damn straight Marge. We're bringing our lilfucker because nero has always been friendly with their Kids Under 12 Months Free motto. We'll stick them together on top of a pile of coats so they can learn how to socialize but let's make sure those arent smoker's jackets. Someone will eventually grab a coat and may let one of the kids roll off if they are too wasted to notice. (props to Hartamaphone, I laughed)
  6. It's going to be 100% on the Mushroometer.
  7. Wrong. He didnt trade away Halak for a stupid doesnt-mean-nothing 2nd round pick.
  8. Booche


    That.Was.Fucking.Awesome. Thanks Todd. Just for the hell of it, because thats the kind of guy I am, I might say "You should have sold those tickets" until you are grey with Altzeimers asking "What tickets?". Again, thanks. Fantastic stuff. I couldnt be happier for you. I've got that Golden Sunday smile on my face again.
  9. Update 2 goals by Les Brahs and the 6 beers has helped this game. Way to go Carey. You definitely shook that shitty goal off. I give your performance 3 slaps on the ass.
  10. Honestly, this Boston - MTL game is so boring to these eyes. Mistake ridden, slow, low talent level. Some of these pass attempts are embarrassing. Damn Olympics. I knew I was going to be affected, simply because I was last time, but with the advent of HD........good lord. Are they skating on slush?? To be honest, its not the entire game and the commercials are killing the flow for me. It's more that some of the shifts are boringly bad by each team. The drive is lacking. The Olympics ruined me.
  11. I completely agree with AD, Kev and Deuce. Gone are the days when people would complain that Canadians werent "patriotic" enough when it came to events on the world stage. Hopefully. If you werent, or arent, a proud and loud Canadian after all of that then there is something fucking wrong with you and it's time to quit.
  12. 7 minutes in from the Olympic break and Price gives up the shittiest wrister goal from the point with NO ONE in front of him. He had the angle, the puck hit him but he failed to swallow it. Brutal goal.
  13. I ran out of batteries 7 pics in. I almost cried. There would have been some wicked ones.
  14. Holyfuck. Seriously. When are you people going to learn?
  15. What's so hard to understand? I was hoping others might end up with their jaws on the floor, just as mine was last night, when they hear that cover performed for the first time rather than expect it coming. Luckily I hadnt noticed Wilco were performing said song. I am positive when I saw Neil Young I would have shat my pants when he started playing A Day In The Life had I not known about it going in. My intent was pretty obvious.
  16. I am just calling it as I see it. It's a fact that fanboys check setlists.
  17. I owned Decade and its always thrown me for a loop because Mr Soul precedes Broken Arrow. Whatever though, choice fucking cover!
  18. Oh boy, look at you. Spoiling spoilers just to prove you have been following the details of their tour. Way to go fanboy!
  19. What you think others may or may not be doing is not the issue here. You guys giving away my spoiler alert is. What's so hard to understand about that? Whatever, jackasses.
  20. Some people dont understand the concept of spoilers. And I assumed my question following the spoiler alert would have tipped you off to my facetious nature but I guess I need to be more wary of the audience around these parts. What's the point of warning with a spoiler alert if the next couple of posters are going to spoil it anyways?
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