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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Is it 2002 already? Hot Tub Time Machine'd
  2. To these eyes, that hit deserves a just suspension.
  3. Bob Weir reciting the ABC's "A B D F C E H G I J M L N O Q P R S Z sometimes the lights all shining on me"
  4. I only know one chord. Its called 'the truth'. And Hux, I will always have at least 2 fingers for you.
  5. I've got no means for seeing that one while at work but last night a charge+elbow made Brent Seabrook goes down like its a video game.
  6. They are looking at the bars because he was underage.
  7. Well, we know one excuse no longer holds any water.
  8. If its between the Greek and the others, uno what to do.....
  9. Burn it for Don Lucey so he can burn me a copy.
  10. Hilarious. I was thinking the exact same thing.
  11. Let me get this straight. You chose this incident to complain about star players getting preferential treatment? All I see is another biased Habs fan who knows jack-shit, whining because Laps got the 4 games he deserved. It was a worse hit which was confirmed by the league. In other news, Corey Haim has died.
  12. I strongly agree with you regarding the instigator penalty. So does this guy, apparently. Laying Down The Law To Laidlaw Tom Laidlaw, the defenseman-turned-agent, is among the many who would like to see the NHL dial back on the rules and penalties that govern fighting and aggressive play in general. Way back when, recalled Laidlaw, the players did a pretty good job of policing the rough stuff themselves. For example, said Laidlaw, there was the night in Edmonton when, working the blue line for the Rangers, he put a decent hit on the untouchable Wayne Gretzky. "So the whistle blows, and the place is almost dead silent," recalled Laidlaw. "It was always that way in Canadian rinks -- no music blaring or Jumbotron blasting. Just silent. And there's [Oilers coach] Glen Sather, standing up on the bench, and he points right at me on the ice. "And for everyone to hear -- me, the Ranger bench, the Oiler bench, and the whole crowd -- he yells out, 'Laidlaw, you are going home in a [expletive] body bag.' Kinda got my attention, you know?" As a follow-up to the promise, Sather rolled Gretzky's policeman, Dave Semenko, over the boards. Heavy of foot and heavier of hand, Semenko made a living just being around as No. 99's space-maker. "Here comes Semenko," said Laidlaw. "And I mean, boy, he's got that wild look in his eye, and his hair is all over the place, like he just came in from the bush, you know? I'm figuring, 'Oh boy, this is trouble.' "He comes up to me and says, 'Tommy, are you going to be doing that to Gretz anymore?' I mean, like I say, everyone is watching this. I think for a second, and I know this sounds chicken, but I said, 'You know, Dave, I don't think so. Think I'm all set, thanks.' " And the game played on. Without incident, said Laidlaw.
  13. Works for me. Lapierre's was worse in my opinion.
  14. I've only got one thing to say to you, good sir:
  15. I suppose it doesnt change the fact that the league should have given him a 20 game suspension. = blessing in disguise
  16. I'll have to see it again because, to be honest, I dont remember it all that well. I had thought the goal was scored and that Laps had enough time to hold up from what he was doing. Edit to add: So Nichols didnt score on the play? I'll definitely have to watch it again but I definitely remember thinking that Laps could have held up.
  17. In my view, Lapierre's was far dirtier. He could have pulled up because the play had ended. It 'looked' premeditated from that standpoint alone. I wanted him to get 10 games to be honest. Ovechkin's was during a mad skate and doesnt warrant 4 games if you are basing it on Lapierre's hit.
  18. What a fucking HUGE game preserving save from Jaro near the end of the game.
  19. Booche


    I've only seen the movie length pilot. It was incredible if you are a Galactica fan.
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