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Everything posted by Booche

  1. I just got a boner when I read that. ::calls therapist::
  2. I love your obsession with my obsessions.
  3. Phaneuf says playoff hopes are still alive "because our stupid fans will believe anything that comes out of our mouths."
  4. I aint going anywhere! Ooooh........you simply said "crust" Carry on. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would continually enter a thread like this but I think DaveO might be right when he predicts a Parenting Forum.
  5. My focus was directed to an incorrect fact, not some loser's stupid opinion.
  6. The article you quoted did. That is what I responded to.
  7. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! The US Olympic team just improved astronomically.
  8. Peaking.Too.Early. You heard it here first.
  9. Your make up is running, you have a run in your stocking and you just fucking made that up. Hell, I posted a video of Dinghy dancing and singing in the Habs barn during the Sens October win but you are right in that I am awesome. And no. I was at the game and the Sens fans did not drown out the Habs fans. That rink was dead until the Habs finally scored to make it 2-1.
  10. High-five Giggles. Way to go.
  11. Even Waffles wonders what the hell you see most of the time.
  12. I see Burke is building a dynasty..............in Boston.
  13. Good luck Jakis! To be honest, if I had of made my way to a Proline station I was going to take Vancouver tonight. Balls on you. Well done. You had better hope Brian Burke has the same pair. Edit to add: I thought Les Brahs were done when Darche got that 4 minute high-sticking penalty. I would have double-downed, that's how sure I was.
  14. Finally. Someone who *gets* me. ::wipes tears::
  15. Best way to describe the first 2 minutes of the Habs game? Oy yoy yoy...yoy yoy.
  16. Make sure you buy loads of booze tonight and clear your schedule because it's going to be a doozy of a hangover tomorrow:
  17. Have fun listening to Pierre McGuire tonight youfucks! Come to think of it, maybe I should check out that insanity tonight because its going to be off the hook.
  18. Precisely like those guys. The only person that should ever wear a bag over their head is your wife.
  19. For the record, I also dont like poseurs.
  20. I'm gonna need it to clean up the vomit.
  21. I thought you didnt pay attention to this team Kev because they were losing? Or when you did, you wanted to wear/sell paper bags at their games?
  22. The nonstop barrage of similar news since the trade is what is out of control.
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