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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Holy shit Taylor! That's the start of a down payment on a house. Congrats.
  2. My favorite part of the final episode came immediately following on Jimmy Fallon when he and the Roots payed tribute to Conan by doing a musical number and visiting his old studio. Neil Young thanking Conan for all he's done for new music was my second favorite.
  3. Looks like Dirty Sanchez met his match.
  4. Hey Sean, I'll trade you Pouliot for Latendresse.
  5. Booche


    Donate for Haiti and then your soul wont feel so bad when you download these free shows being offered by Wilco.
  6. The answer to this season is staring them square in the fuckingface.
  7. Elliott for Zetterberg and Niedermayer.
  8. Sheeeesh. That was a plug for another NBC show. When are you people going to think for yourselves?
  9. Admit it. Every Hab fan was sure the route was on when Parise scored. How the hell did that end up 3-1.......thank you.
  10. 1 chug whenever you think Kanada Kev should put the bong down.
  11. I hate the fucking Bills but I have to post this.
  12. I chug whenever you dont read a thread.
  13. Vista has Windows Defender with it.
  14. I hope Beliveau recovers well, for the sake of his friends/family and for himself. Not only that but he is the Habs.
  15. A gag order? That's just "classless"
  16. Porn in HD is pretty liquidic, and not pretty. No one needs to see Arby's beef that clearly.
  17. Hammer's greatest contribution to the team throughout the life of his contract may have occured last night, but I certainly will say I was hoping to see Ty and Carey go a round or two. "I think he was trying to challenge me," said Janssen. "I couldn't stop laughing." I didnt see that comment. Hilarious. I wish I could say I knew how Cam felt but in my experience I made my opponents laugh when I 'challenged' them. It happened far more than I would like to admit. Hell, I even made teammates laugh at me.
  18. I'm still wondering where you got that from.
  19. 1 chug whenever someone tells Dinghy to "relax"
  20. Haha, why dont you tell us how you really feel MrBigTime? You gotta post in here more often. (And he has only been with the Habs for 1.5 years....I know, I know....it seems so much longer than that)
  21. Twitter is now where journalism takes place. I thought that was made pretty clear a few weeks ago?
  22. What about nibbler and his on-the-verge-of-being-institutionalized conspiracy theories?
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