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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Once again, Les Brahs limit the candidates for a position within the organization due to the bilingual necessities they enforce. Just hire a fucking translator. Anyways.............
  2. I am hoping for Tony Marinara Sauce.
  3. Booche


    Well, if you fuckingpracticed and played as well as I know you are capable of playing I wouldnt make mention of it!
  4. Booche


    Speaking of old, grizzled, a sloppy guitar player and being well past their prime.........
  5. Booche


    Heard him on the radio being interviewed about who he was pulling for. He stopped short of calling people idiots who think he would be cheering for New Orleans and essentially said if you ever had a son and followed his entire career up to a moment like this, you wouldnt even begin to question who he was going to cheer for. It was beautifully stated. But I am sure it didnt sting as much........ As for The Who? More like The Meh. It was visually stunning at points but I didnt care for most of their performance.
  6. Booche


    People are complaining about the game? If you werent entertained then hand in your football fan passes, immediately. The 2 previous SuperBowls were classics and probably wont be matched for years to come. For some reason, I also got most of the American commercials this year. No idea what happened there but it was a first.
  7. The pulled pork has been slow cookin' since 6:30 this morning. Aside from that, the usual salty snacks, beer and deep fried calamari from the Pelican Grill that I plan to surprise MattyC with.
  8. I really like this Reuben And Cherise.
  9. They were definitely the dominating force whenever I had the game on and not only did Orr punched Matt Carkner's lights out but I think I saw some of his brains leaking out of his left ear.
  10. He sure did Kev. Montreal and Toronto are seeing the effects of rushing corner pieces too early.
  11. I hope the essay also made mention to the fact that golf is not a sport. I loveyou Hal Johnson.
  12. Did anyone else just watch that aside from myself? Epic collapse by the Leafs........Lou Lou smiling large.
  13. [color:purple]Nice edit,which makes my question seem less reasonable than it actually was. Note to self: Always quote NW.
  14. Again, I have to ask: What are you talking about this time NW? NHL refs announce penalties.
  15. If you divide a team’s total preparation time by the number of yards its offense gains on the field in a season, you’ll find that an NFL team moves at the rate of about 32 hours per foot. And it’s only getting worse: According to interviews with NFL personnel, the study’s authors say the total prep time per team has nearly doubled in the last 20 years.
  16. [hyperbole] It has to be the greatest prank of all time.[/hyperbole]
  17. Booche


    The Q appears to be taking a stand. Good on them.
  18. And the fact he was traded a month before the trade deadline certainly made a less return. I heard yesterday a part of the reason is that this will save Atlanta almost 1 million dollars.
  19. Or he simply wants to be out of Atlanta. Can you blame him?
  20. Darche does all the things a hockey player should do. I love how he will plant himself in front of the net. In my opinion his play dictates the Habs keep him and hopefully his smart play rubs off on others.....like Lapierre. That WAS a dumb penalty and terrible timing. I cant believe I am in 100% agreement with you Roller. Outside of Radiohead, has this ever happened before?
  21. Evidently, Burke could have got him instead of Phaneuf.
  22. Yes David, you certainly are a big ole number 2.
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