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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Ollie, you asked AD and I what we didnt like about Frank Claire stadium. Aside from the pretty sunsets, as previously stated, what do you like about it?
  2. Doucet must have recently watched the Seinfeld episode when George went to Susan crying in hopes of postponing their wedding and saw that it worked.
  3. Just so its clear for the thousandth time. Its NOT a new stadium.
  4. What's ludicrous is not being able to understand that the structure in place is garbage. No amount of money is going to make that place worth 113 million dollars in renovations. Its time they get with the times.
  5. The design is absolutely horrific Ollie. There are none worse that I have been to. The park bench seats that get crammed? Its the most uncomfortable ones ass can get for 3hrs. How about the ramps to go to the upper level? Those are fuckingridiculous. You are on them for 10 minutes before you get to the top section. And how about the measly concession stands? Are there worse bathroom facilities anywhere else? Oh yeah, and as you pointed out.......its falling apart. Tear.The.Fucker.Down. Design something more modern that people might actually want to go to.
  6. Therein lies the problem as well as what city councillors are backing on. No one seems to be shooting for the best, second best or even 5th best. I trust AD would come up with a more viable and vibrant idea. Frank Clair stadium is the WORST stadium I have ever been in. That place is a terrible venue. I have avoided many sporting events there because I cant stand it. The Big O is far superior.......
  7. Dont forget to buy a beer for the last person in line at the concession stand!
  8. It was a waterfront eyesore for years and years and years in prime developement space for Kingston while city council endlessly debated on what to do with it, eventually becoming high-rise condos.
  9. You know what I should be saying about bongs and things like that right about now.
  10. Clear to play for the owner who wins the rights to him depending on the waiver position. For example, if you have the 10th waiver pick and put in a claim for him you will only get him if no other owner 9th or lower makes a claim for him. If no one claims the player they go to free agency where it becomes first come - first served.
  11. It looks like the asking price for one of my goalies just went through the roof.
  12. Missed the early games, swinging for the fences on the 4pm ones. OAK win ARZ win by 8 DAL-GB tie PHI-SD tie 4 bucks pays 123.60
  13. Except for Price, thank God. He's looked really strong lately. That's at least one positive sign.
  14. Hahahahaha, it never ends.........god bless you hippies.
  15. None. And that's my biggest issue. On the other hand, I dont want to live in city watching another Kingston Block D situation go down.
  16. ::emails OC Transpo regarding about one of their employees::
  17. This is the second time in a wekk Spacek has got hurt. He's just looking for attention.
  18. Forgot to add the Dallas - Green Bay game. Thanks for the PM you hunk of man love! GB
  19. The day I stop listening to the other fantasy GM's I am competing against is the day I quit forever. Trade offer coming.
  20. Hey Roller, SF-CHI played last night. Dont think you are going to get a point for SF there buddy. Nice try.
  21. Fuck Chicago. I went 'all in' last week, assuming they were about to turn the corner. They did not. SF NO NYJ ATL TENN MINN PITT MIAMI DEN OAKLANDBITCHES! ARI SD NE GB (edit to add that I forgot them) BALT 12
  22. I dont know why you changed in the first place.........HORRIBLE new name for you.
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