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Everything posted by Booche

  1. So Roller, is this the first time the Habs have had zero injuries? The guys not dressing are healthy scratches? Good lord. I wish we could see a Tender-Tits-PoonTang line. That's cause for a celebration.
  2. [color:purple]Yes, it was a very smart question.
  3. Stop the press! We know have final proof that there is such a thing as a "dumb question".
  4. Both Mannings have SB rings. This is what happens when you play an entire career and dont get one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQFLr9aLdj4
  5. Which history? The Sens only lose whenever you watch or Lalime sucked it up?
  6. If only you were serious. We'll be there that night.
  7. Reading you guys makes me believe this.
  8. They should start Gerber in net and put Auld on the blue line.
  9. I saw far more of the Sens-Leafs game tonight.
  10. Booche

    Heroes Thread

    That last episode was incredible.
  11. It was a repeat on this afternoon.
  12. Ask Velvet. Best show ever. Cop - So how did he get that cut on his arm? Goundhog chick - I didnt have any sissors! Cop - Who said anything about sissors? How high are you right now? Groundhog chick - Not very. Cop - You are going to jail for the night.
  13. I forgot about Lizards. That would be a fantastic opener. I love you Dima.
  14. When things go bad, wow. What a weird 2nd goal.
  15. No man, I have only had 2 beers. I am just really hippy for him.
  16. If he has such a great upside, why is Baltimore letting him go?
  17. This is really sad. Forget about his post-playing career, I loved him on the court.
  18. Exactly Hal, you are so godamn beautiful.
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