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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Filip Kuba has thrown more than 1 bodycheck this season.
  2. Ollie is going to get laid.
  3. This is why Hal: I cant wait to see what these bandwagon fairies do once the Sens move to Toronto.
  4. DaveO, I can see your vagina from here.
  5. That was some stifling hockey from the Panthers as well as some porous puck handling by Les Brahs. Our party enjoyed seeing Bouillon play a few shifts on left wing, theoretically to get used to the speed of the game again, before moving back to his normal defensive position. Lapierre's holding penalty was untimely. Result taken.
  6. I'ld be yelling at Trey. "Shut the fuck up for once, I am trying to pay attention to the game you stupid Wanker!" Actually, I would give my ticket away.
  7. At least I never "pulled a Rahmer" and believed the Leafs grabbing Raycroft was a good move.
  8. Dont listen to DaveO, he is full of shit and trying to start nonsense. I was watching Les Habs and bitching about hockey on the whole because I wasnt a fan of that period. Every game seemed like it was New Jersey playing New Jersey. Ask Badams if I was watching the Habs, he should remember me trying to talk him into moving to Ottawa because every game was on. I'ld call him and give him updates while bitching about Andre Savard.
  9. He's facking around, no doubt. Who will think about the cap space?
  10. I was sure the Raiders threw that game away the moment they called the timeout and the Jets kicker hit the upright. Sure enough, he nailed it the second try but then OT comes around and the Polish Thunder absolutely drills his 57 yarder. Did anyone notice how far that travelled past the goal posts? Holy moly. He might have hit that from close to 70 yards!
  11. I fucking love you guys. Rich Stadium rocks.
  12. As much as it takes because I am not a fairweather fan.
  13. Back to the topic at hand. Since you didnt get them this year you must have either had a heart attack or my original theory is correct.
  14. That's fantastic Tooly. You should be proud.
  15. WICKED!!!!! DogAtTheStation and myself had very similar seats compared to that first picture in 2003ish against the Kings. 6 rows up near the corner on the center ice side. An on-ice brawl erupted in front of us and I so wish I had a digital camera back then. Were you using your DSLR for these shots? Kiss-cam'd
  16. The time of your reply tells the real story Ollie.
  17. This coming from a bunch of former Leave fans.
  18. Things we learned today. 1 - By not answering me, Ollie answered me. He is going to the game tonight because the tickets are 50% off. 2 - Ollie didnt renew his flex-pack tickets because "they arent worth it". 3 - Demand is definitely down, which will also affect attendance, because the team isnt expected to be one of the top teams in the East. In conclusion, Sens fans are still fair weather sons-of-bitches who bandwagoned over to them.
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