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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Where do you get this shit? How do you explain Fletcher on Off The Record yesterday stating he wouldnt rule out trying to sign Sundin past July 1st date? Stop fucking around. No one cares what your 17 year old internet buddies are saying.
  2. If you just fucking jinxed this Roller..........I swear..........but he does look damn good in Les Brahs' colors.
  3. Starts saving money now for the numerous trips Deuce is going to take me on.
  4. Yeah, that's a point I had been missing in all of this Whitey. So I suppose they are still saving money on the cap.......for now. Didnt we go through this when he was fired?
  5. Well, if they stopped making bonehead moves............
  6. Bonehead move if you ask me. 6 years at a million per year? I dont think I am a big fan of the buyout. Short term gain for long term pain.
  7. So the story Walker concocted about being in his room really does smell like bullshit.
  8. No offence but I will take Badams word over yours. He has been bang-on during this process thanks to an inside source.
  9. Hahahahahaha, awesome. Totally awesome. Great job. Hahahahaahha.........phishtaper is right. Gary is going to love it.
  10. Booche

    Meatball Recipes?

    FUCKING A! Thanks mom!!!! I cant wait to be a kid again tomorrow. ::starts thawing ground beef::
  11. Not to make fun here but in all honesty, I have no idea what Bryan Murray is going to do to fix this mess. The defence is going to cost way more than it should if he isnt careful.
  12. Truer words have never been spoken on this board. None the less........way to go.
  13. Booche

    Meatball Recipes?

    I could go for some of those right now although I had no idea Heinz and Welch's were Swedish based companies.
  14. Schwa, you should PM Jaimoe immediately. He would love to go. Either the day will end in a drunken brawl or you two will get a hotel on Church street. Actually, I am willing to bet both things happen.
  15. Here is a transcript of a conversation that Bob Gainey just had with Mats Sundin: BG: Hi ya Mats MS: Hi ya Bob BG: What do you want to come to Montreal? MS: $7 Million for 1 Year with a NTC. BG: Done. Can the Montreal Canadiens have an option for a second year at the same price? MS: Done. BG: What do you think of Cliff Fletcher? MS: He is ok I guess. A smart hockey man but I don’t like the way I was treated near the trade deadline. BG: Yeah. I think he tried to hoodwink you into a trade. I have an idea.....want to get even? MS: Do I? What do you have in mind Bob? BG: Well I have to give him compensation for signing you before July 1 so lets not sign a deal until July 1? MS: Man oh man Bob…That is a good one. You are an ‘EVIL’ genius in the NHL. I can almost hear Cliffy boy dropping a load in his ‘Depends’
  16. I missed that part but I shouldnt be surprised the city is turing their back on him (I gotta grab the Star today!). Hopefully that helps Sundin with his decision to sign with Les Brahs.
  17. And so it begins..............
  18. Is it so hard for you to realize I am simply commenting on the bands that are actually on the bill.
  19. While you might say they gave up alot, I will counter that it was well worth the price. Those young kids gained a ton of experience.
  20. Booche

    Euro 2008

    Put yet drinking cap on buddy. I will be there in 30 minutes.
  21. Nothing. Now what would they have to give up to sign him before July 1st is another question altogether. I am guessing a 4th round pick but I have no clue.
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