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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Hey man. I love Kanada Kev. He takes the focus off of us bitching back and forth while bringing us closer together.
  2. I would put you in misery by shoving turds up yer arse with my cack. Jebas. I better slow down on the drinking.
  3. Actually, we are taking a page out of your book my friend. You were the one that said the Leafs would finish ahead of the Habs this year. So who is getting what they deserve now? I LOVE YOU SMOOTHSHREDDER!
  4. Blurry, get your ass down their with a video-camera and interview them. Post the results.
  5. It's always sexy in here when Hamilton posts.
  6. And he would have destroyed them......... This is the part of the quote that makes Spezza look like he has no clue what is going on. Outside of the game against the Marlies, the Sens have scored 1 goal in 4 games and it didnt even come on the power-play.
  7. Hey, do you guys make your bed in the morning or whenever you get up?
  8. WOWOWOWOOWOW! What a save from Nabokov on Owen Nolan!!! Watch for the highlights tomorrow kids.
  9. That was outstanding Birdy. Cheechoo almost killed Huselius. Oh my lord, he got lucky.
  10. Kipper is the only reason the second period wasnt a total disaster for the Flames.
  11. That was AWESOME! I'll hang onto it for the rest of these playoffs.
  12. Methodical domination. God bless PVR's. And you are totally right Belair. It IS great to see them in the playoffs again. I havent been this excited about Les Brahs in many many years. They were hitting everything in sight and call me crazy but I much enjoy Bob Cole when he isnt calling the Leafs. But that could be the bias talking because I am drunk on Hab-love at the moment. Still though, he does give a youthful enthusiasm for a 70-something year old. The Habs certainly got away with a few non-calls tonight, eh Kev? Conspiracy? That song has been performed far too early, far too many times this season. Whatever though. If you want to sing it then go ahead kids. The fans have had to sit through alot of shit for a long time. Tomorrows alarm is gonna suck balls. Speaking of balls, I see tits!
  13. There goes the PVR. I will see you in a few hours.
  14. Eeeew, that booing during the Star Spangled Banner wasnt cool at all. Get your shit together.
  15. Oh my God, how beautiful is that crowd?
  16. Sixteen for twenty five my friends. An AWFUL lot of things would have to go right for Les Brahs.
  17. If he was trying to be comedic, it didnt work because that is just stupid. FreakByNight already beat him to the punch with his playoff predictions so Ollie is recycling humour in a lame way. If those picks were real? Jesus lord, help us all.
  18. Get drunk and hop on MarcO's beef stick!
  19. Tell me he picked Ottawa players. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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