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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Booche


  2. The AHL has harsher penalties for fighting than the NHL AHL fights = 21 NHL fights = 40 So there's that.
  3. Saddle up motherfuckers http://livemusicblog.com/2014/10/07/download-bill-frisell-james-mcnew-perform-dark-star-comes-a-time/
  4. Barrett's request for happier times is granted (for the time being)
  5. Video of Thom recording this album has surfaced
  6. You know what really grinds my gears? The lot of you entitled cunts getting all persnickety about a free album by one of the greatest bands history has ever known. Don’t like it? Delete it and in Steve Kimock’s famous words “Shuuuuuuuuut the fuuuuuuuuuuck uuuuuuuuup”. But are you doing that? Nooooooooo. You are getting on your high horse because you now have a new soap box to say you don’t like or hate U2. Bitching about one of rock's greatest philanthropists? I bet those less fortunate around the world aren't and have said "yes" when offered assistance that came from Bono. People still have opinions in this world? Good for you pion. Oh but you say that’s not what you are complaining about? What you are really complaining about is Apple force feeding you an album on your device? Well, I got a couple of things to say about that. First of all, most things on those fuÇking closed devices are force fed down your too-stupid-to-realize-you-are-a-sheep’s throat. Secondly that’s not really your device. Sure, you paid the same price as you would have to get a used car to buy it but guess what. Apple owns your fuÇking ass. Do you really think by now they don’t know your habits? I am willing to bet they completely knew what backlash was to come but they wanted some free press in the form of 100 million dollars. No one is watching tv. No one is listening to the radio. People don’t have time for advertising but guess which bitch got got again at the perfume counter? Have fun standing in line to buy that non-revolutionary iPhone6 you stupid fuÇking cows. “Caaaaaa-stanza”. Moo motherfuckers. And that’s what really grinds my gears. Now download this and go fuÇk yourselves in the mind and maybe, just maybe, you will be able to see for the first time in your lives http://dropcanvas.com/39tae/1
  7. Hey Roller - Canadiens GM Marc Bergevin on rumors he’s spoken with UFA goalie Martin Brodeur “I already have three goalies. I can’t have four”…
  8. hahaha, I love making Roller twitch
  9. I thought by now the captain was supposed to be either Chris Higgins or Mike Komisarek.
  10. Letterman seems quite enthusiastic about the single. http://youtu.be/vmglUwgtHxs
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