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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Melanie and I still go to the one in Kanata on weekend mornings after breakfast. We were just there 2 weeks ago but there will be plenty of visits in the coming weekends looking for deals.
  2. .........and lets all hope Hal's backstage adventures dont go like this:
  3. Yeah, I hear you Sean. The promos are better than the album but I am hoping it might grow on me because I fucking love a good bowl of soup.
  4. I loved him. One of my all-time favorite Habs. Songs will be sung.
  5. Given all you have said Esau (and I agree with it), a convenient story is all this is. Its highly doubtful (anything is possible) that there is any truth/possibility of this happening. 1 - MTL already has 2 backups, so one would have to be moved (Budaj is the consensus). 2 - The market is absolutely FLOODED with goalies, so much so Brodeur doesnt have a job on the eve of NHL training camps opening. We arent talking about any goalie here. We are talking about arguably the greatest goalie to ever play the game. So lets say Budaj is on the block. Is there a GM out there who is going to trade for him knowing they can sign Brodeur as a backup? You would be fucking crazy to do so and immediately fired if I were the owner. Budaj is terrible. I dont even need to make an argument here. Just look at what happened when Price went down in the playoffs. Here's how I saw things play out. As of last week, Brodeur was out of work and was asked "Would you sign in MTL if they came calling?" Of course he is going to say "Yes". He is looking for work and obviously running out of options quick. Now certain folk within the french media have something to run with. What do we here next? That Bergevin is looking to bring Brodeur in as a Hab? How convenient of you to get this story out there Mr Vincent Damphousse. I really dont know how Low Roller continually fawns over these types of stories. There's a hundred of them a season coming out of MTL. I figured he would have learned by now.
  6. Why? Because you are stupid and believe anything that originates from RDS. I would point out that recent reply regarding Le Gros Bill as a perfect example but you deleted it.
  7. @Dave_Stubbs #Habs Jean Béliveau, in frail health, has lived his generous life w/ dignity, class & grace. He & his family deserve privacy. Respect that.
  8. Picture of Hal moments after his wife asked him if he had seen any images of The Fappening
  9. Post-Fappening video footage has just been leaked to the internet.
  10. "higher offensive upside" - Yeah, a whole 14 pts separated them last season so I ask you this? At what cost? How much more improved will Emelin be? If anything, not having to recuperate from a serious illness will help but these guy's are professionals. Playing the left or right side shouldnt make that much of a difference to them or else you would never see it happen. "As of now the D-corps looks something like"................terrifying at the moment. They weren't deep last year and they are more shallow this year. Beaulieu looked positively terrified during the playoffs. I suspect he isnt ready. Hope I am wrong but you keep on plowing this into you bud:
  11. Exactly what I was referring to "better product on ice" - Sideways at best and simply done for cap/PKcontract reasons. When I read your opinions they sound like this to me
  12. Habs sign 3yr deal with Sportsnet to broadcast all 82 games in English. Sportsnet East will broadcast 39 regional MTL games.
  13. Umm, improved? Sideways salary shedding, at best, but you are clearly underestimating the loss of leadership Gionta and Gorges employed. Hopefully the young lads like PK are ready to carry that load but no one is going to truly know for a while whether or not they are capable.
  14. When DB2.0 shows up to someone's bday party
  15. More like 46.0 but that's none of my business.
  16. This is a possible consolation prize for not getting Vegas tickets!
  17. I am positive this will be the...........
  18. By the way, that Joe Russo set is going to be fucking A+ fantastic. Don't think this will be just a filler set.
  19. "What is the word on the street surrounding this announcement?" Oh you know, a handful of rumors with no one really knowing.
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