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Everything posted by Booche

  1. I cant wait to hear this! ! !!! "I'm not a Sinatra fan" - this saddens me a great deal because this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinatra_at_the_Sands is one of my go-to albums when I am not in the most joyous of moods and it always brings me back around. Give it a ride Hamilton!
  2. "The last 4 letters of the new name are Folk" Post of the year.
  3. Fair enough AD. I just wanted to make sure that you were prepared once the negatives start pouring in because they will, it always happens. If you like the move then good for you. I dont really have a hand in any of this and will take a 'wait and see' approach. I'm more aligned with Velvet's point of view because I positively loved Folkfest the first year it was held at Hog's Back but far less so with each passing year.
  4. Just give this photographer the Pulitzer
  5. Parking onsite at Hogs Back was far easier so you can define this any way you want but that doesn't change the fact that its now worse for wear thus becoming a negative. I predict noise complaints will be on the rise, dramatically, which also makes it a negative. You did say "if any" regarding negatives and that's two without hardly even thinking about it so there's your answer Fish Bulb.
  6. If ya'll thought there were alot of noise complaints last year...................... "Can't see many negatives if any for Lansdowne." 1 - parking
  7. Set 1 TMWSIY > Avenu Malkenu > TMWSIY The Lizards Ha Ha Ha Glide SOAM Reba Undermind Strange Design Maze Devotion To A Dream Taste Set II Down With Disease > Waves > Twist > Mango Song > Gotta Jiboo > Fuego Chalkdust Torture Slave To The Traffic Light Encore: Sleeping Monkey Fire
  8. Well would ya look at that Set 1: Tweezer> The Horse> Silent in the Morning Rift Stash Lawn Boy McGrupp and the Watchful Hosemasters Suzy Greenberg Run like an Antelope Set 2: Fee You Enjoy Myself Esther Golgi Apparatus Foam Dinner and a Movie The Divided Sky David Bowie Fluffhead Contact E: Sanity Tweezer Reprise I'm quite confident I would go see any band who are confident enough to play through that material in front of a live audience.
  9. There is some gold in there right now! Everyone should subscribe to the Music Vault. https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UUCwXWdQplS9iGCr1ivXHcJg&v=oCfRqEUlsUM&feature=player_detailpage
  10. Bouche once submitted an 'official' ufo sighting. Just sayin' is all.
  11. Booche

    For the win!

    Hubert was at the manor tending to a little male curiosity, eh?
  12. Booche

    For the win!

    HAL! Love that Miller one. I cant believe how much I once loved the NBA and how utterly unwatchable I find it nowadays. I am hoping a Raptors team can eventually bring me back but the self-aggrandizing nature of the professional level disgusts me. It went over the top with Tracey McGrady leaving Toronto and since then I have had a very difficult time being able to get back on board. Anywho...........watch this you bunch of dicks. I had a VHS of this fight back in the old Apartment days when DB and I lived together and this was a drunken staple because its actually epic. Not one of these "epic" things that the kids throw around these days wishing it is/was epic. No. This is the real deal.
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