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Everything posted by Booche

  1. The Habs should trade him to Buffalo for Josh Gorges!
  2. Booche

    For the win!

    I'm pulling a Mr Big Time and calling bullshit on both of those. You were under the age of 10. We all know how your childhood memories work Mr Goalie Freak. You recall other things that connected to both of those moments but somehow you have recreated a 'live' moment in your brain only helped by Youtube and other replays of the event.
  3. How's that working out so far?
  4. Most appropriate jiff ever.
  5. The San Fran crowd finds out
  6. Go see him destroy MTL from midnight until 4am and then say the same thing. That fucker can do anything from now on as far as I am concerned and people can call him whatever they want but they wont know shit.
  7. Booche

    phish vegas

    I dont care what you spent to go to Vegas. That 'costume' set was worth whatever it cost or however long your trip was short. I watched things as they were going down and couldnt make heads nor tails of anything aside from loving every moment. I cant even begin to imagine what it was like inside the MGM but I am extremely joyful for my friends who were watching that madness unfold. To answer your question Phish? Yes. That is precisely what we wanted.
  8. Saw them in Ottawa and in Vegas. Really freaking enjoyed those three shows and these eyes haven't experienced much like seeing tour rats hanging around the inside of a casino floor with their dogs on a leash. Pretty sure that's going to be one of those 'stay with you for life' images.
  9. This is pretty fucking g-damn good. Grateful Dead - Dave's Picks Vol. 12: 1977-11-04 - Colgate University - Hamilton, NY [Rhino; 2014] Disc 1 https://www.sendspace.com/file/mdmfpc Disc 2 https://www.sendspace.com/file/qak85x Disc 3 https://www.sendspace.com/file/i08eb1
  10. I dont want to get off on the wrong foot or be a pain in the ass but can you guys please wrap this up? You are making me gag. That is to say with friends like youse guys who needs enemas?
  11. I rather enjoy Fuego. Alot. It helped me get back into the band. There's some great Phish songs within that songwriting session and Fuego has become a monster. Even though I love a few songs from that period I feel their previous 2 albums were much bigger flops because I could not connect with the band and many those songs back then (still cant) but if you are talking sales-wise I admit to knowing nothing. Having said that I love Scents And Subtle Sounds and ASIHTOS (A Song I Heard The Ocean Sing for those of you who havent been privy to that acronym yet) Numberline and Light. I'm a homer Phish fan and have loved all their albums for the most part but I think it's easily their best album since the highly underrated Round Room was dropped on us. That was fucking great actually and I think they tried a similar approach with Fuego. Their worst mistake was performing their 'version' on Halloween 2013, although Sing Monica is pretty fucking rad within it's setup that night. Maaaaaan. That was a shitton of backlash due to an idea gone wrong. I can see how Phans hate Fuego out of the gates.
  12. Third post for the win. It's gonna be tough to top that one folks. Here's my dead doc:
  13. How does the gay male pirate like his sex? In the arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrse
  14. Football is now a universally agreed upon moniker.
  15. Thank you so very much Chris P and Mustache@ (g/f came up with that one, I cant take credit for it). That was a fanfuckingtastic night of music. It was refreshing to see a power-trio again and one who could slay. I have never liked the sound in that room, worst in Ottawa that I know of, but for one night you guys made it sound damn good. I cant wait to see you guys again and I will make a request now for Manic Depression. That.Was.Fucking.Killer.Boys. #drummerboner
  16. http://youtu.be/Ktbhw0v186Q
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