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Everything posted by Booche

  1. I am really starting to think that Carbo's inexperience at coaching (re: handling players) is taking flight.
  2. MOBE, DaveyBoy and I just finished watching it over champagne and OJ. Everything Barrett said during this game came to become the opposite. Booche: Here it is Dave. ManU scores on this set piece. Barrett: Liverpool never gives up goals at home, especially late in the game. This also went along with his "Bringing in Peter Crouch is always a smart decision." Except when he doesnt put the ball in the net during incredible chances or doesnt cover well on a ManU score. Wicked. Barrett is PISSED and about to become very, very drunk.
  3. Let's have a great off-season boys.
  4. I really dont understand why Hab-ischer wasnt pulled tonight and cant stop thinking about it. The ghost of Patrick Roy is haunting me.
  5. IF I SEE HAB-ISCHER DO THE WORM ONE MORE TIME I AM GOING TO LOSE MY SHIT!!!!!! FUCK! Hecht may have made the pass of the season thus far, if only I could remember other ones that blew me away like his did. Backhander, across the crease in the air right on Ryan's stick. A true beauty folks. Gretzky-esque.
  6. That's an incorrect analogy Mike. The batter is trying to set up the umpire to make him think he *missed* a call, when the ump was right all along, in hopes he can get a call *his way* later. Welcome to sports.
  7. New Rider couldnt be more right. DSO kicks supreme ass and I would rather not sound like a complete shithead when a band can do what they do and do it well beyond well. Please, have fun.
  8. Theme - Songs about daaaaaaancing! 1. Chubby Checker - The Twist 2. David Bowie - Let's Dance 3. Frank Zappa - Dancin Fool 4. Van Halen - Dance The Night Away 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. I would have looooved answering the 'popular songs that you hate by bands that you love' theme. Good work. Edit to add: I should have known Jaimoe came up with that one.
  9. This thread is telling us that Jakis is on top of the market and that *someone* is a little crying bitch. Way to go Dinghy Daigle!
  10. Piss Bucket As gorgeous as he is that sums him up.
  11. ATTA BOY THUMPER!!!!!! Get some of that nasty slide going that I love from you so much.
  12. I still havent seen this. I should get on it soon because I am as intrigued as fucking hell now.
  13. I highly doubt he re-signs with the Oilers if they couldnt put a package together before the trade deadline. The Meehan/Smyth combo can suck my rod. If I were an Oiler fan, I would be PISSED.
  14. Booche

    Work Pet Peeves

    I dont know why I tell my co-workers ANYTHING about the jobs I am working on. They always freak out because I tend to go outside of the normal parameters to get shit done. Stuff like "If you get caught, you could get in trouble." How many times will it have to take for me to explain to them that this is the nature of the beast that we work for? Every answer we are looking for isnt going to be an office policy. Its impossible. Not only that but I hate the way the one dude says my name. Its always with this drawn-out whiny, question-tone to it. "Aaaaaaaaandreeeeeeeeee????" Fuck. I want to kill right now.
  15. William, you are the reason hippies remain in the doldrums. Hold them to a higher standard and watch evolution take its rightful path.
  16. Barrett, you are screwing up almost every one of these. Re-check this hippie boy.
  17. Further proof that hippies cant organize shit and listen to too much slop. I am so awesome.
  18. It's funny because it's true. I am so much better than each of you. Praise be to me, so say I all. Have fun!
  19. 1. Ozzy Osbourne - Bark at the Moon 2. Prince - Under the Cherry Moon 3. Moonshadow - Cat Stevens 4. Frank Zappa - Concentration Moon 5. David Bowie - Moonage Daydream 6. Cat Stevens - Moonshadow 7. The Grateful Dead - Mountains of the Moon 8. The Police - Walking On The Moon 9. 10. 11. 12.
  20. I would say he doesnt want the Edmonton fans to believe he had a choice in the matter.
  21. Rahmer, it was closer than you think.
  22. So, if he cried so much about not wanting to leave why wasnt the extension signed? Reports indicate both sides were off by anywhere between one hundred and three hundred grand. That's pennies in relation to this contract.
  23. You would probably be a part of the "more cutting edge-ier than thou" crowd if you actually went out to see music other than recycled slop. Have fun!
  24. I wonder if he has any lessons set up while he is in Ottawa? An email couldnt hurt, eh?
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