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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Jaimoe did the same thing during the game I mentioned above.
  2. Booche


    You're a taper???? No fucking shit.............
  3. Hahahaha, I kept thinking about Frasier during that BBFCFM. "I am running with scissors!"
  4. I fucking loooooooove the Down With Disease from that Rochester show. Trey was losing his shit all over us. I didnt think he was going to stop cumming in our faces.
  5. Football practice, punt return drill, ball flew into the sun and then off my helmet as I was trying to snag it. Went on a high school white-water rafting trip. I flew out of the raft and got hauled back in with me trunks coming right off. The worst part is that there was sections of the run that were videotaped and was shown in the bar each night as everyone was drinking and guess what part was caught on camera....... I was the butt of a few jokes that night but it got me laid so who's embarrased now? Getting boarded from behind via a dirty check delivered by Jaimoe was pretty embarrasing because snot flew all over my face. He likes to say he wasnt a dirty player but that is a total crock of horse shit. That was easily the dirtiest hit I have ever been on the end of. Jaimoe's got a number of embarrasing sports tales. I doubt he will tell any good ones so I will. My favorite is during a pick up game of baseball when we were in our early 20's. The bases are juiced with 2 outs in the bottom of the 9th with Jaimoe at the plate. He was a right handed batter (I think?) and the dude (Scott O'Conner) playing right field was taunting the hell out of him. "You are going to strike out! You are not going to get the ball out of the infield!" blah blah blah. Finally, Scott comes in from right field and plays about 5 feet behind the 2nd baseman. "I dare you to try and hit it over me Dave! If you do, you guys easily win but I am not worried, you are going to pop up." Dave turns to our bench and says "Watch this." [cue Cliff Claven moment] Pitch comes in, Dave swings at it with all his might and sure enough, he pops out RIGHT to Scott O'Conner. Scott didnt have to move a single step.
  6. Scottie, you just pulled a Vulcan mind meld on me. It's been a bitchy giggle-fest for me the past few days realizing that we are all about to see 2 shows in a row in the same venue. I always thought the first night of the 3-night Dead Charlotte spring 95 run should be far more well respected than it is. People dont seem to know but it was a solid show. Obviously those days were filled with mediocore to poor shows but something special happened that night which set up what was probably their best night in 1995. I dont expect anyone here to 'get it' but if you happen to be a Deadhead that knows the eras, its a show to seek out. Enough for me. This modern drunkard is going to bed.
  7. Did I see any other NHL crests? Nope. Did his wife tell me that he watches the Leafs play every time they are on tv? Yup. Ask him about his team. He'll tell you about their strengths and weaknesses up and down their lineup. Math cannot lie. Rich Stadium members, I give you a picture of a magnet on Jaimoe's fridge: (Dude, come clean and stop fooling yourself. You will enjoy the game much more. That closet of yours can't afford anymore bodies in it.)
  8. You know, it's easy to share Ollie's enthusiasm within all of this thanks to Liverpool fans craving for Rafa's head and this whole Wycombe run. Trot on Tott's. Trot on.
  9. All the best bud and a wealth of joy with my heart-felt wishes. Dude, you should TOTALLY take on her last name. I promise I would refer to you as St. from now on. Love ya pal.
  10. or Rip Taylor..........depending on how you look at it.
  11. Hey Douglas. Guess where we are stopping on our way home?
  12. Whatever suits your fancy. Anyways, I couldnt have been more disappointed from those acoustic cds. There is a version of Waste with him and Gordon that is horrific. Gordon's harmonies are worse than nails on a chalkboard. There was some enjoyable stuff on them but for the most part I cant believe he is delivering such a shoddy product for 50$ a ticket. Either practice those acoustic tunes before you play them or take a set break.
  13. The last Trey show I listened to was 10-11-06 and I gave it away almost immediately. He's done for me. I keep trying and going back when people say "Dude, check out such and such show" and they all bore me. My ears hear the same old tricks with little to no creativity. I downloaded those Acoustic Compilations assuming I would love them since I dig acoustic guitar. Douglas and I listened to them the other night. Holy crap, are they ever terrible.
  14. Trey started writing good songs again?
  15. What is this weird emotion I am having? Why am I crying? I dont feel sad, in fact, I feel much the opposite.
  16. Homer: Oh, stupid movies! [bangs projector] Who invented these dumb things anyway? Was it you, Bart? Lisa: It was Thomas Edison, Dad. Bart: I thought he invented the light bulb. Lisa: That too. He also invented the phonograph, the microphone, and the electric car. Homer: No one man can do all that. You're a liar, honey, a dirty rotten liar. Abe: Finish her! Finish her! Lisa: It's true. I read it at a placemat at a restaurant. Homer: Really? A restaurant? Well, now I don't know what to think.
  17. That dudes got quite the grip with his hug. Do they have pills for that?
  18. Shouldnt this be in the Slip forum? Bwahahahaha, ya........suuuuure YOU could have.
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