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Everything posted by Booche

  1. That is the worst insult ever delivered to me. I can only assume you dont realize how offensive your comment is and I will give you the benefit of the doubt. On the plus-side, good one.
  2. ::claps for Birdy's persistence: ::punches out MarcO, steals his empty wallet::
  3. Booche

    Hoagie House

    Yup, I am skipping that gig. I was hoping it wasnt the same Saturday night. Oh well.
  4. I really dont know which post Birdy is thanking God.
  5. Booche

    Hoagie House

    I will be there next weekend. Guess what I am going to eat............
  6. I already can imagine the headline for the wasted version: Large Marge Feasts On American Frat Boys Do I win a prize? Anyways, great stuff Marge. I would like to read more of these in the future. That made my morning.
  7. I love you MOBE. Frig, that was brutal the other night. I read that Art Shell is trying to come to the defence of his player. Come on!
  8. Aside from the solid casting, that movie was all about it's excellent pacing although it may have been a touch long. I really dont know how much we needed the psychologist's involvement as a lover to fit into the grand scheme of things. It was an interesting sidebar but a seemingly unecessary one because I dont think it worked as was intended (the rats and all that imagery). Its a really good flick though and I would recommend it. MS is the king of the gangster-mob mentality flicks.
  9. Go talk to Birdy in the politics forum n00bie. I dont have time for you. There is work to be done. Oh, look at that! A dog with a puffy tail!!! COME HERE PUFF!
  10. Any torrents to a naked Grohl? I got a hankering that needs a spankering.
  11. Pseudocup with extra money for the coffers. Its cool to see the small clubs do well. I can appreciate that. It was a cute consolation for ManU's poorish season last year but lets remain realistic about it all. A nice victory for Southend. I am sure those fans got rippingly wasted.
  12. I am waiting for Birdy to pipe up and say "Come on people, dont kick them when they are down."
  13. How can I use nerd in a sentence applied to you?
  14. Make sure everyone kicks him right square in the nuts while he is deservedly down.
  15. Yup, that is the best cheap pizza.
  16. I now understand why you dont like music of substance like the Slip.
  17. He doesnt have to step up now. He's a fucking rookie. The coaches arent losing patience with him either, unless they are screwed in the head. He has a great opportunity right for ice-time right now, nothing more nothing less.
  18. 4th and 6 for the Raiders and they get it. Best play of their year. Very next play? A huge sack against them. I am a better offensive coordinator than Tom Walsh. This is horrific. EDIT TO ADD 2-6
  19. What did I just say? "False start. Number 76." Inside their own 10-yard line????? FUCK! That is terrible. I am going to slit something. Gallery may go down as the WORST second pick of all-time at the rate he is going. EDIT TO ADD: The announcers finally mentioned Gallery.
  20. What in the FUCK is the deal with the blind-side of the Raiders offensive line? Seriously. These ESPN announcers should be tearing Robert Gallery apart. THERE'S YOUR PROBLEM ASSHOLES! "These receivers need to stand up and make a play." Come on. Lets be serious for a second. That is a valid point but that aint the real issue. Let's not try to talk about the pretty players like Moss (who has been sucking it large since he got to Raider Nation, Del called it) but this offence is fucked up repugnant shit because that Oline is lost and a young, inexperienced QB is trying to run it all. At least Sapp looks like he is playing in his golden years tonight. Lose baby. Lose. We want a high draft pick.
  21. Based on Dinghy's latest response, I think I originally read the above quote incorrectly. Dinghy is my pimp.
  22. I've missed this banter. You boys just made my night.
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