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Everything posted by Booche

  1. At the very least if I go and the ticket is available, I will take it but I am certainly not in a position to make that decision. In fact, I dont want to deal with money for at least 24 hrs. ::shudders in fear::
  2. Booche

    I Need Help

    At the end of the first, it's: Drinkers - 1 Pianos - 0
  3. AH HA! I know who you are now! Anyways, no worries on the booze intake or toast. My best friend in the world requires the exact same attention from me. The only issue is the rubbing of the feet. The best I can offer is taking his socks off once he passes out. I am VERY experienced in that field. I hope MarcO likes meat and chicken wings. Maybe some calamari and onion rings alongside other deep fried goodness.
  4. Have a great one AD. Yo La Tengo on Sunday night at Babylon? I may not be able to hit it now. Unforseen expenses over the past 2 days has hit our bank accounts pretty hard. Still, if we are both there I will have no problem getting you a draft or two.
  5. I think he may be right. The only two times I have dealt with that odour you speak of, were mobo related. One time, my RAM was fried as well and the other time it was a clients and his sound card went along with the board. Sprint was able to tell us that it was our board and RAM, which was visible. If you have DDR ram, which I believe you do, I havent dealt with that stuff to know for sure what to look for. Edit to add: There is a very strong chance your chip is also fried. Sorry bud.
  6. No no no no no. You didnt do anything at all! Quite literally, not that I remember. It was at Finger Lakes for the Cheese in 2002 or something. PassedOutGuy introduced us. I had been a member of Section 7 and wanted to meet you. Well, I did and you look like your South Park character. That's all.
  7. I looked down and a spot on my pants started to get darker and darker. The spot proceeded to get bigger and bigger. Just then, I realized I was pissing myself. The weird thing is that I used to think that happened all the time when I actually took something to bring on hallucinations. Is that called irony or something?
  8. Good for you MOBE. You're good folk. I look forward to trashing your place some day.
  9. MarcO is the genius behind rainbow cum. I just had to utilize it somewhere so that others could appreciate the majestic qualities he has to offer this fine worl.
  10. Wow, what an awesome picture:
  11. Booche


    Owens is holding a press conference and stating that this was not a suicide attempt.
  12. BradM makes me want to create thousands of paper cuts onto my coin purse and then shave the entire area with a rusty blade while using crushed jalepenos as lather.
  13. Well, if you arent joking Fretman, its about Ed Gein.
  14. Gateaux's discharge smells of hydrogen sulfide and is discoloured.
  15. Booche


    Fuck the media's take. Everyone should simply hope for him to get better, no matter what they think of his football career.
  16. Booche


    Most of the websites are starting to point that way..........
  17. Gozer: [Evil voice] Are you a God? Jeremy: [Mike nods] No. Gozer: Then... DIE! [Electrocutes BNB; pushing them to the edge of the apartment building; people screaming] Jeff: Jeremy, when someone asks if you're a God, you say "Yes"! Mike: All right! This chick is TOAST! [the band walks toward Gozer] Grab your instruments. Jeff, Jeremy and Gavin: HOLDING! Mike: Heat 'um up! Jeff, Jeremy and Gavin: SMOKING! Mike: [Gozer growls] Make 'um heard! Jeff, Jeremy and Gavin: READY! Mike: Let's show this prehistoric wookie bitch how we do it downtown. THROW IT! Jeff: Across the country in the winter, across the highway on our way home..........
  18. Booche


    Whoa. Reports are now appearing that last night's trip to the hospital was more clear than what has been appearing on the major news sources this morning.
  19. Booche

    upgrade news

    What's the opposite of "upgrade" ?
  20. Blind Melon gives me boners. They were a perfect mix of just enough evil with rainbow cum.
  21. You guys should have flashed your tits! That goes for Sunshine and Voodoo Lady as well.
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