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Everything posted by Booche

  1. This is what Catphish sees from DaveyBoy shortly before she gets to Ecstacy Hill.
  2. Really sorry to hear this Jay. Take care.
  3. Pretty confident I know how edger is reacting
  4. How every guy reacts when Bunny shows up to a party: How single women react when Bunny shows up to a party: How Barrett reacts when Bunny shows up to a party:
  5. Booche


    Any thick and natural USA babe worth her curves is gonna crave a juicy meat man over a veggie rice boy, you guys.
  6. Predictions for Hal's Never Too Fit To Have Fun Tour '14
  7. You're surprised you had never heard of a few of those failed festivals?
  8. Booche


    For those who have yet made their way to the Gorge, this is an accurate representation of the late night festivities in the campground.
  9. Booche


    When a babe's involved, yet showin' off her primo toppings, it raises a guy zone concern for the carnal action left forever craved.
  10. Booche


    Smoking used to be like this: But you sailors have turned it into this:
  11. Booche


    This is 'merica. And just 'cause you don't got any money, it don't mean you gotta live like some sorta poor person, you guys. Chili's and 'Bee's should give back to the community with exclusive credit cards to float valued customers in a time of need. "With the Chili's Floater Card, you can still get down with bold flavors and refreshing booze 'til a job makes you loaded once more." Man. "At Chili's, we understand that just 'cause you don't got a job, it don't mean you're trash. So just get us back later, you guys." I mean, lotsa folks probably blew piles of dough on places like 'Bee's, Chili's, Wendo's, Arb's, The Bell, Mickey D's, BK, and other hot spots when they were lined with cash. Seems like it'd be a chill move to float good USA folks a few hamburgs and crap 'til pay day. If everybody with all the money gave a little money to folks with no money, America'd be stronger hand in hand, you guys.
  12. Booche


    Nothin' comes between 2 fellas like a babe's full beef rack when their carnal hunger is at a redline situaish, you guys.
  13. Nothin' like an unplanned convo with a babe in a silk robe. Every "mm-hmm" and "oh yeah" is tastefully displayed with class, you guys. Didn't get Silk Robe's name. Pretty sure she told me it, but I was too busy peepin' her beauties from behind my Maui Jim's, respectfully.
  14. Booche


    Sometimes sendin' a one man search party to the bottom of a bottle works just as good as prayin', you guys.
  15. I loved the moniker I read at PT regarding this latest incarnation: Phil and the 4 J's Scofield and Medeski? Are you kidding me? I totally missed that one when it was announced (or forgot about it). Cant wait to listen to these shows.
  16. I just envisioned you reading the TM page.
  17. LOL@planning the parade!!!! Old way: The team was the butt of a constant string of undeserved "plan the parade" jokes from opposing fans. New way: End that practice once and for all by ensuring that, effective immediately, all future "plan the parade" jokes will be completely justified.
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