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Everything posted by Booche

  1. This is probably the best article I have read regarding Burke's firing
  2. Aside from not making the playoffs during his tenure and that 20/20 hindsight of a colossal waste of a trade known as Phil Kessel, let's just allow these words to properly show exactly wtf went down (or didn't go down I should say): "We require, as a team, proper levels of pugnacity, testosterone, truculence and belligerence. That's how our teams play," Burke said. "I make no apologies for that. Our teams play a North American game. We're throwbacks. It's black-and-blue hockey. It's going to be more physical hockey here than people are used to." Everyone is going crazy because of the timing but if you look at it in it's simplest form this is a hockey move and one that shouldn't confuse anyone. He deserved to be fired.
  3. Burke's time as GM in TO is what got him fired. You believe whatever you want Kev but the rest of it is just the bullshit gong-show that is the Maple Leafs.
  4. It's not out of the ordinary. He's under contract and would be getting his money anyways.
  5. So Brian Burke was the main vocal opponent to the last CBA with regards to retaining salary in trades, stating correctly it would help facilitate trades. The new CBA introduces this concept and then BOOM.........Burke is fired. That's some sweet injustice.
  6. Please hire Pierre Gauthier.
  7. Phish secret language not withstanding, that's fuckingretarded. "YOU PAID US! HAHAHAHHA!" The only thing that would open up their eyes is seeing the coffers take a huge hit and they know that's not going to happen. Why? Because some marketing firm in the US determined that NHL fans are the most loyal out any of the NA professional sports leagues.
  8. I wanted to.......I really did........ Might not do a MTL trip this year but thats more due to finances than some kind of bullshit idealogical stance. I will probably go to at least one or two Sens games at SBP mainly thanks to delicious convenience. Definitely seeing the Habs there at least once.
  9. Torn LCL, possibly torn ACL which is the same ligament he tore in college. This dude is definitely losing at least half a step in his game. Better hope he learns how to become a pocket passer Sloth.
  10. Aint nobody got time for this:
  11. I think its pretty obvious DaveyBoy 2.0
  12. I tore my knee to shreds playing soccer and drove a standard home. Dont trust your eyes when a knee is in play.
  13. Is it the same knee he tore up in college?
  14. Excited about Fatendresse? It's gonna be a plopping season there Sens fan
  15. Alfie just announced his retirement.
  16. I wish Rex Ryan coached the Raiders.
  17. I cant believe I went all that way to watch the Pack flame out in the playoffs again. /tweets
  18. Trey's got a cheater on there for Driver. Great show.
  19. I hope Page punches Trey out during setbreak. "you forgot the chords to Rift during my solo you redheaded fuckface! But that was a nice Roses"
  20. bouche is actually singing Garden Party. He's probably wearing a thong. Ricky Nelson'd.
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