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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Chicks in bikinis = Camel Walk opener.
  2. I am sufficient right now.
  3. I'ld diss you but you probably won't see it because of all the perogie preparation in your immediate future. I'll take a Roller dozen please.
  4. Elliotte Friedman just said to expect the same thing. Friedman or Fried Man? I'm going with Friedman.
  5. ? I just read Dregger saying that we can expect the NHL to announce tonight that they are cancelling games up to January 14th.
  6. I'm in Fluff as long as we can add some spacedocking while comparing guts.
  7. Seen it all. Feeds 4 people and there are 4 slices. Thick or not, I feel like I have been shortchanged.
  8. 4 slices of bacon? I thought I knew you Fluff. I thought I knew you.
  9. Acoustic guitar strings. Do it folks.
  10. I'm not necessarily surprised it sold out but I can honestly say how surprised I am by how fast it sold out. I mean, that's fucking fast.
  11. Embarrassing. God-damn embarrassing. Name the soccer team The Kick while you are at it.
  12. AD, I'll listen to EV singing Who songs only when you can provide me video of him performing said songs bare chested. Thanks in advance.
  13. Sir Paul + Nirvana - please write an album. Sincerely, me.
  14. Eddie Vibrato is easily the most overrated rock singer I have ever heard in my life.
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