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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Loosen your panties. Its a play on what happened while they were practicing together. This is hilarious: According to the newspaper, McCartney rang Grohl who asked him to come and "jam with some mates" and then found himself playing with Grohl on drums, Novoselic on bass and Pat Smear on guitar. The report then quotes McCartney as saying: "I didn’t really know who they were. They are saying how good it is to be back together. I said 'Whoa? You guys haven’t played together for all that time?' And somebody whispered to me ‘'That’s Nirvana. You’re Kurt.' I couldn’t believe it."
  2. And you guys are still wearing pants because?
  3. I think this is cool as fuck!!! Paul McCartney subbing for Kurt Cobain as Nirvana reunites to play Sandy benefit.
  4. On this date in 1995, MTL's Babe Ruth was traded to the Avalanche for a bag of pucks and a case of Laurentide. I still havent recovered.
  5. Lock of the week: It Makes No Difference
  6. You cant use Pete Rose in this argument because he has been banned from baseball. The players in question have not.
  7. Yeah that's precisely the problem, trying to determine who was clean and who wasn't. Do you simply forgo the entire era as dirty and make assumptions they all were? Or do the voters look to Mark McGuire's and Palmeiro's of the world? You wouldn't believe how much I loved watching Barry Bonds and defended his at bat abilities, to the point I used to say he was the most underrated MLB'er prior to his ascension, but I still wouldn't vote him in. Same goes for the other 2 in this story.
  8. Ollie, you know I love you and that I ride your ass hard because of that......but howinthefuck do you, or anyone for that matter, own zero Beatle albums whether paid for or not? I just put on Rubber Soul. Go get it and "act your age".
  9. AA with some balls this week!!
  10. Unless you are a Marlins fan of course
  11. Jebas, just have to add in one thing here and Ozzie Guillen all off a sudden becomes @theironsheik
  12. No. Most of us know what you look like.
  13. I always felt that Don Cherry was a big reason why Sundin never got the respect he deserved right from the get-go and then backhandedly slapping him through the years slamming Euros as fakers/divers and not being good captains and blah blah blah........... “You’re kidding me,†Don Cherry told The Toronto Star when informed of the trade that summer. “This isn’t April 1. This has got to be April 1. This is a joke. I hope somebody’s kidding me that you would trade Clark for Mats Sundin.â€
  14. Round of applause for Mats Sundin. I always wanted to see him in a Habs jersey. He was such a fantastic hockey player and dare I say underated. Stupid Leaf fans.
  15. Yeah and based on what I am seeing in this thread when you go to talk to the horse you will end up talking to a donkey.
  16. Roger Goodell has already been out to vote.
  17. Ahem........Hal......ding ding ding. The picture you posted looks more like Lars Eller.
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