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Everything posted by c-towns

  1. Now the grill be hot (Hot as balls) So throw the flesh down......
  2. Cinci GB Balt NO Clev Car Wash Jacks Phil Sea NE NYJ Atl Den 47
  3. dudes! I'm going to see my Penguins in the Igloo this weekend and am looking for any hot spot help, tail-gating aside, anyone know anything else? Also have 7th row Steelers/Browns tickets, maybe the Browns will put up a fight this week, I'm going to select them in the pool this week because the underdawg always seems to shine at sporting events when I'm on hand ie. Sharks beating Wings in game seven back in '93ish and Wolverines losing home opener two summers ago to no name school.... Maybe I'll get on tv too, anyone have a flesh coloured bodysuit?
  4. I'm heading to the Steel city tomorrow for a hockey/football weekend and was wondering if anyone had any recomendations for food/fun/drinkin holes in the area?
  5. I sure don't get it, oh well, basement for me, fitting (see team name)
  6. Ha, I noticed that, he's still beating me though, stupid goalie fail.
  7. WOW! Who are these people? Good to see so many skanks at the shows, its always a plearsure seeing GM and Stapes and company as well as have my secret (not so) dominion love affair with Gateaux progress. Good times folks, two great weekends in a row in Toronto, its been a while but its good to see.
  8. pre party at my place to anyone interested, 62 westmoreland avenue, I might not be there but someone will. please don't sh!t on my couch.
  9. pre party at my place to anyone interested, 62 westmoreland avenue, I might not be there but someone will. please don't shit on my couch.
  10. I would like to meet this sloth character
  11. I read something about a supercrawl afterparty somewhere in the hammer with "said the whale" on their myspace page. [color:gray](and that there was a gratefully deadicated soundsystem show somewhere closer to the venue)
  12. spoken like a true woman...
  13. So they're cheaper at the door than going through ticketweb, thats crap.
  14. womansday.com eh? enough said.
  15. Buffalo Pittsburgh Dallas Minnesota NY Giants Tampa Bay Carolina Baltimore Atlanta Denver Arizona Seattle Indianapolis NY Jets 44
  16. Chatham City Special 1.5oz Vodka 1oz Chambord equal parts 7up(or sprite or tonic or club) and lemonade.
  17. Still looking (on here anyway). send it to your friends, heck, send it to your ememies. Room for rent, free parking and backyard! PM me for more details.
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