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Everything posted by c-towns

  1. sure is pissin' in NY tonight.
  2. I'm sitting here watching a Scooby Doo movie with my nephew and what do I hear......Back on the Train! proof
  3. you seemed alright with it this summer.
  4. GB SanD Ind Pitts NewE Hous NYJ Car Cinc Dal NewO NYG Phil 14
  5. Second post since July 2008 and not even a hello? You're dead inside.
  6. Good game last night, I think I want Yanks/Phils just for the offensive show.
  7. Earlier this year there was a 2 page thread about these guys and now a 2 response thread, what happened? Anyone going tonight or do they suck now?
  8. sketchy Thursday was actually recession Friday but I think the dream is over now.
  9. I'm lovin' the plain old photobomb, I even found an angry Hal Johnson
  10. Anyone else hear the Widespread trail out to commercial on the alcs tonight? Anyone still watching baseball?
  11. Thanks Slippy (missya bud) and super recommendation on the pitt style sammy, sounded weird but tasted magical and was one of the only meals I ate all weekend. I was looking for the Rothlis Burger everywhere but couldn't find it.
  12. I should stay home more so I can get to know you better on the internet, I know you'll be here when I get back though.
  13. wasn't this show in Toronto? Unpossible.
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