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Jay Funk Dawg

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Everything posted by Jay Funk Dawg

  1. Looks like a great show... Mark sorry to have missed you at CTMF this year.. Could you let me know who books the shows at the Boat, someone approached the band at the festival in regards to that place. thanks! Ricky new was a awesome drummer this weekend, thanks for playing with High Plains Drifter on Sunday!
  2. I lost my brain... anyone see it?
  3. Too bad there was no crowd.. long weekends are a bitch and I think that the promoters didn't really do much to build any hype. The Mod Club is a great room; the sound is great, but a small crowd can also really kill the vibe. My brother & his girlfriend went to check it out and they had fun, but felt bad for the band to be at the wrong venue for their turnout. Great to hear that the music didn't suffer. I am pretty sure that this was the weakest turnout The Slip has ever had in Toronto. They really should have done this show at the Rivoli. oh well Come Together was great & I will hope to see the Slip in Toronto again soon. -jay
  4. INSANE NIGHT IN TORONTO!! read reviews: http://www.tribemagazine.com/board/showthread.php?t=134014
  5. EVERYTHING WAS IRIE LAST NIGHT!! BIG PARTY WOW! I really felt special last night, the vibes were very wholesome and happy. Irie Band played a great set, we were very happy with the response & sing alongs. Diesel Dog had the saloon rockin' until 3:30 am in the morning.. so much fun. There are at least 500 campers out there having a blast .. can't wait to go back on Sunday morning. :) Weather was also excellent!
  6. *** add to that Jonas Berkeley will be joining High Plains Drifter for some sweet blistering jamz**** 5 pm Mainstage on SUNDAY!! woot!
  7. David Grisman hasn't come to Toronto in a long because he demands a very high price... so that is in line with what some of you are saying. What we don't know is his personal finanaces, so we are only speculating. I will say this there aren't many rich people who would not fight to what they may or may not be entitled to... "I'm rich enough" doesn't really seem to be a sentiment that wealthy people express. That being said, his work with Jerry is some of my favorite music ever. ~ Alabama Man, I'm not saying that we should go pirate people's images and there should be no repercussions, but linking a photo on a message board shouldn't be considered a copyright violation. If you were to use someone's photo in a magazine, or signigicant marketing campaign then the creator should be contacted a fee negotiated. If the creator doesn't want their photos linked, there are backend programs that can hide source codes of image locations.... remember the internet is primarily built on an open source code platform. Bouche, I created that myspace page last year, and I've lifed as many photos that I could find using google image search, for this small scene; i didn't think to give anyone credit. With that program is not really clear at times who is the author of those images. You are a great photographer and I think that that group shot really helps show the sense of community that Come Together embodies... do you think I should have given photo credits? In short I am only getting defensive about my own integrity, which is that I do not promise what I cannot deliver. I don't think that comparing using photos on a messageboard to be the same as posting something to youtube. Breaking into someone's house is much different then linking their photos on a myspace or on jambands.ca. nuff said
  8. FYI - High Plains Drifter www.highplainsdrifter.ca has a special set put together featuring: Jay Cleary (guitar/vocals) Tony Rage (bass) Dave Chan (Drums & percussion) plus special guest Mark Crissinger (guitar) here's a picture of us at Come Together Festival 2005 here's another picture of us at Lose Yer Shoes with special guest Tessa Lee
  9. I don't have much time right now to argue.. but look at your avatars... they are photos of hockey players , cartoons and actors, that some photographer took or artist drew... do you think that you should be asking for permission or paying to use these images? The answer is yes.. but that's the grey area of the internet where image copying is so common place that you can only police the larger violators. The point I'm trying to make is that even if he is wrong (i.e. Youtube violated his copyright rights) he is entitled to challenge the corporation.
  10. Guigsy, I allow photography at my events if I am granted access to photos for online purposes and that they also check with the band. If I had hired a photographer before an event then it would be a different story. I realize that I should be more careful with using other people's photos on message boards. Any photographer who understands the nature of the internet will watermark their photos or present their images so that other people cannot link or download them. As for slandering me for using your photos in my stories, I take very much offence to your remarks You have a right to protect your work... please keep in mind that it is also my work that you have documented. ~ The argument I am trying to pitch is that Grisman, and other artists should have the right to sue and protect their assets. There should be no shame in protecting your rights. Grisman is also a business man, he probably employs a hell of a lot of people and I'm sure that he and his lawyers have researched their claim and have a valid argument. Let the law figure it out... that's democracy.
  11. I can't believe that it's this weekend... whoa.. gonna be a great start to summer vibez.
  12. well that's the law we're discussing, Youtube a major international website is fine with removing content upon a cease and decease. You are obviously upset about me using your photos, and I am taking your criticisms to heart. A lot of what I do to promote the scene isn't to my own personal benefit, I do it because I feel this scene needs to document itself. I am sorry if I have lifted your images to promote events & stories I have written.
  13. that seems like a pretty large grey area... you can use other people's work on the net until they request to remove... but what if they don't know that their art is being used? My hands are tied, I work on cmtf as a volunteer, but if you like i will remove your photos from both sites. As for Evolve, I though we had an agreement to pay for your photos if they get printed in magazines, unfortunately they have not been printed... yet! www.myspace.com/evolvefestival www.myspace.com/cometogethermusicfestival
  14. Basically I can only say that artists need to protect themselves from unauthorised use of their art. I will admit to using pictures of Frontier town & Evolve that guigys did on myspace.com; do I am guilty of using other peoples art, i borrow images to post on websites all the time, and although I think there is a grey area on the web, and hopefully that is what will get cleared up with this lawsuit. I really can't believe that people are being hard on Grisman for suing youtube... it's the USA!!! they sue over almost anything!!
  15. I just got 6 tickets, so if any skanks want to come, i am sure i can get you in.. here's the details: Audience arrives between 5:15 & 5:30pm. The Masonic Temple, 888 Yonge Street.
  16. Read the interview here: http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/240266/ Thanks for all the good music and good times!! looking forward to CTMF!
  17. www.djztirp.com has a bunch of downloads... http://www.djztrip.com/downloads.html I probably should have posted this one: The Motown Breakdown: http://djztrip.unknownvariable.com/audio/z-trip_-_motown_breakdown_part1.mp3 hiphop heads will like this: http://djztrip.unknownvariable.com/audio/AOTC_Promo1_Mass_Hysteria.mp3
  18. how long is your allotted time?
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