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Everything posted by ike

  1. Wouldn't the opposite of facebook be assbook?
  2. I'd guess that a regular home inspector could tell you how serious the damage is. Just look up home inspections in the yellow pages.
  3. elemeno, glad to hear you love my balls. Wish I could say the same for you but yours are all like old and wrinkled. You've got some old man balls. Schwa, as far as advantages, it did get me a nice raise once I became a member. According to OACETT, members make on average $10,000 more per year. Here's a blurb copied from the website: There are many benefits of membership in your professional association. The mark of professionalism This is the most significant benefit of your membership. When you earn certification from OACETT, you earn the right to use one of the following exclusive, protected titles: Certified Engineering Technologist (C.E.T.) Applied Science Technologist (A.Sc.T.) Certified Technician (C.Tech.). These titles are recognized by employers, governments, educational institutions and the public in Ontario and across Canada. Certification demonstrates that you meet a high standard of academic excellence, are experienced in your field and have demonstrated an understanding of ethics and your responsibility to your employer and the public. Identification stamp and technology ring Certified engineering technologists, applied science technologists and certified technicians qualify to buy an OACETT stamp that they use to acknowledge they accept responsibility for the integrity of the work performed. Since the stamp is for identification only and not a professional engineering or architect seal, users must ensure that when required, the seal of a professional engineer, architect, land surveyor or other licensed practitioner is also applied. The OACETT stamp does not entitle the member to accept responsibility for technical expertise that is restricted to a licensed practitioner. All certified members may purchase an engineering technology ring, the visible symbol of certification. Employers value certified employees Whether you’re looking for a job or want to advance with your present employer, you’re one step ahead if you belong to OACETT. Employers across Canada know the professional designations granted by OACETT are the best qualifications for technical personnel. Make a difference to your profession As a certified member, you have the privilege of participating as a volunteer to help promote the growth and development of the engineering technology profession. All certified members have the right to vote to elect the OACETT Council (board of directors). A member-driven association, OACETT offers certified members many opportunities for personal development through leadership roles in the chapters, on Council and committees. While working toward certification, associate members can volunteer for some roles at the chapter level. Other benefits Career development OACETT members have unique access to professional and career development. OACETT has forged numerous agreements with other associations and universities to offer more to members. For example, our partnerships with the Ontario Association of Architects, Professional Engineers Ontario and Canadian Association of Nephrology Nurses and Technologists (CANNT) offer OACETT members special routes for recognition of their specialized experience and education. OACETT is an affiliate member of the Consulting Engineers of Ontario and works with the Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) on a Joint Management Committee. The association’s partnership with Athabasca University offers a special, fast track route to non-technical degrees through distance education. National and international mobility OACETT credentials are recognized across Canada and internationally, making it easy to transfer to another jurisdiction. OACETT has an agreement with each of the other provincial associations to allow certified technicians and technologists to transfer to another province and retain their certified status. We also have an agreement with the National Institute of Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) in the United States and the Institution of Incorporated Engineers (IIE) in the U.K. allowing for mobility of certified members. Canadian technicians and technologists are part of the Sydney Accord, an international agreement that allows members to transport their credentials to many other partner countries. Liability insurance OACETT offers its members a group insurance program for errors and omissions liability Insurance (also known as professional liability insurance) for certified engineering technologists and technicians. Find a job Enjoy immediate access to CTEN, the Canadian Technical Employment Network, at www.cten.ca. This national job bank gives OACETT members access to employers and jobs in Canada. It is popular among employers in the technology sector who are looking for qualified job candidates. When you post your profile on the database, you’ll open doors to employers across the country. Make connections Network with other technology professionals through your local OACETT chapter group. Your chapter offers social, professional and educational activities. Keep informed You’ll read all about trends and issues in your field in The Ontario Technologist magazine, mailed to all members six times a year. Know what you’re worth OACETT conducts the only comprehensive survey of compensation and determining factors for Ontario technologists and technicians. The survey provides invaluable information about your salary and career choices. Save money OACETT members have access to special deals on cell phone service, insurance, financial investments, relocation services, car rentals and much more!
  4. I'm a member of OACETT. I can get you a copy of the survey, just shoot me your email.
  5. Have a good one Karin. GO LIONS!
  6. One of my favourites: Pretty sure it's suitable for a 13 year old.
  7. Yes it is Lex, right next to Powell park. Used to be the municipal building or a bank years ago. FYI, all these Lightning Jack dates are acoustic.
  8. My favourite version of YEM is the one from 07/25/92 Stowe Performing Arts Center, Stowe, VT. This is the one with Carlos Santana and his percussion section sitting in. Actually one my favourite live moments in Phish history, not just my favourite version of YEM.
  9. You guys are all fucked. The real reason the band broke up is because the bass player was jealous that the drummer was cheating on him with another bass player. So then I went and cheated on Ricky with another drummer and now we're all fucked. Literally.
  10. Happy birthday man, from two Ian's in a row.
  11. I'd be surprised if the supreme court upholds the decision. If there was a reason that the brethren had to drive it might make sense to me, but it seems they are choosing to drive so where's the breach of rights?
  12. Then I stand corrected. Teachers pension fund it is, either way I believe that is what is holding back the Leafs. It would be nice to have a single owner rather than an ownership group. Makes it a lot easier to make the big decisions. I'm at the point now where I think the Leafs should just compete for the number one pick in the draft. So I guess you could say I want Ferguson to stay for now. Something's got to change.
  13. I wish they could get rid of the teachers union ownership. I believe the problem is at the very top, not just the GM and coach. Sell the Leafs to Balsillie, please!
  14. I'll be joining Schwa in about 15. Happy birthday Blane. Where you been lately? Haven't heard from you in a while.
  15. Right on Tim, looking forward to jamming out wit ya next weekend. 2 doors down is always fun!
  16. Wicked show last night, I was totally impressed. Lightly attended but those that were there were definitely in for a treat. Thanks again Brian.
  17. Tonight is the codetalkers and tomorrow is Mark Wilson. I'll be sitting in with Mark. The Wisco crew would probably be into the codetalkers wouldn't they? Who's in town?
  18. Don't you have a car now Mo? Come on down to the PJC in Hamilton. I'll be there Friday and Saturday night.
  19. Come on people. Where's the love for Mark Wilson? I'll be there Ken, on Saturday that is. There is no Friday, Nov 10th.
  20. Sweet! I had a gig in Dover last night and I was pretty bummed about having to miss the return of the codetalkers. Looks like I'll be spending the whole weekend at the PJC now as I'll be sitting in on bass with Mark Wilson tomorrow night.
  21. I'm trying to post a copy of the poster up but because the link is to a pdf I don't know how? Maybe the small version will do. I think it's still readable.
  22. ike


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